Jeongguk is a single father to a 4 years old daughter, who had swear to not involve in love relationship anymore, scared that his beloved daughter would be harmed. He is happy with her, living quietly just only both of them in their small little hom...
After a long day, it's time for the bakery to be closed. Jeongguk glances on his watch, showing that it's almost 10pm. He then caught on a sight of his daughter fell asleep on the place that she was sitting. He feels guilty for making his daughter has to wait for him when he's working.
"We should close the shop now! Go and take Yeeun back home, Jeongguk-ah!" Seokjin exclaims.
Jeongguk nodded before he picked up Yeeun carefully in his arms, putting her head rest on his shoulder and hold her gently. Seokjin helped him tidy up her belongings and give it to Jeongguk.
"Thanks, hyung!" He said.
"No problem! Be careful on your way. I'll take care of the rest here." Seokjin smiles, tapping his hand on Jeongguk's back.
Yeeun moves a little, making Jeongguk stiffening. She whines a little before sleep soundly again. Both Jeongguk and Seokjin exhale relieved.
After bid his goodbye, Jeongguk carefully took his step in the alley. His home is very close to the bakery so he just walked to their home everyday. It's a little dark, but ever since he was living there and walking home everyday, nothing dangerous ever happened to both of them. It's still a very safe place to live in and he is grateful.
Although Jeongguk is aware that the area are managed and taken care by a gang. He never saw them around the area but he heard about them from his neighbors. They always talked about how the gang leader is very protective over the area. So, their place become very safe because no one dare to make trouble to the residents there. He wonder how the gang leader looks like?
However, thinking about them still sending chill to his body because he is sure that everyone in the gang must be involved in illegal business and crimes. At least that's what he had taught by since he was a schooler by his teachers. He didn't believe those gangs are kind or good people. They are dangerous and frightening.
Though he is thankful for them because they protect their residency from other troublemakers. Jeongguk lives in a rooftop house, small and cheaper with rent. But his home surrounded with considerate and kind neighbors. They also adore his daughter and treated them very nicely. For now, he is satisfied with his living conditions.
Jeongguk tucked in Yeeun with her favorite blanket on their bed gently, caressing her straight silky hair. They both sleep on the same bed and she loves cuddles with her father. Jeongguk also loves being close with his beloved daughter.
"Goodnight, precious!" Jeongguk kisses her forehead before he also fell asleep beside her.
He is tired and sleep is what he needs after exhausting his body all day.
"There's a report that someone is eyeing on Gangsan." Namjoon said.
"Can they afford to?" Jimin scoffed.
"We can't confirm for sure because they apparently lead by new leader and the leader is quite impulsive." Namjoon answered.
"Gangsan is my possession! No one can touch it. That's my 'clean' money and my assets. How dare them to think that they can get it!" Jimin said firmly.
"You own plenty of land and residents, yet you protect that place so much! Jimin-ah, till this day I can't understand it." Hoseok comes in.
"I bought it with my own money. From my own pocket, legally! I spent so much effort to own Gangsan and I will protect everything about it for as long as it's mine." Jimin replied.
"Hmm, that makes sense! You try so hard to balance between legal business and illegal one these few years. Bet your father wouldn't like it!" Hoseok chuckles.
"I have my own mind and my own style. He can't force me to do something that I don't like. As much as I want to protect this gang, I don't want us to be only gangsters or assailants. I want us to be independent and be a good people. So I tirelessly train our men to be decent human being. Although it's necessary to train them about fights, weapons and defense as long as we are in this field of work." Jimin exhaled.
"Right, you work so hard to become what you are today, Jimin! Let's do our best to achieve what you dream of!" Namjoon smiles, leaving a sight of dimples that he had on his cheeks.
"Oh yeah, Yoon informed us that Red Bullet agreed to be our ally and they want us to train their mens as a part of the deal." Hoseok said.
"Okay, we provide them with physical training, they can aid us with intel. Deal!" Jimin smirked.
Red Bullet is one of the famous gang that were very well-known with their systematic intel provider. They have many expert hackers and intelligents making them the most informative gang among others. They never ally with anyone and secluded to themselves only. So when Jimin's gang met them, it's surprising to Jimin that they agree to work together. After all, both gangs are the most powerful gangs between others. If both of them are ally, nobody can even touch them at all.
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