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Hi guys!

It's been so long I'm not updating here. Due to my clash schedules I can't write new updates of this fic yet.

As of this, sadly I have to put this fic on hiatus until I finished my other works.

I'm so sorry for those who wait patiently for this fic's update.

My other works that I mean is, beside my real life job as teacher, I'm also a writer on Twitter. Currently, I'm writing an au called My Little You.

For those who interested, you can find me at my Twitter handle @/withyouMinnie

I've written a few aus too so feel free to check it out.

Again, I am sorry for this unhappy news. Yet, I wish y'all have a nice day and life, also thank you for reading my writings. 💜

See you again 😘


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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