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Sky POV~

 I looked up to see the one the only...

I looked at her and she asked "Where do you think you're going?"

"Uhm for a walk around the school" I replied 


"Because I'm bored." 

"That sounds fun. But you're staying here to support Zed!" 

"OK ok fine just let go of my arm!" 

"Oh right yeah sorry" She said as she let go of my arm. I nodded at her to say thanks. 

We turned back to watch Zed "As your president I will make Seabrook a place that embraces zombies and-"  He started before he got cut off by Bree.


"Uhm no. Why would we want..." He started before taking a deep breathe and screaming "Werewolves!!" 

Everyone turned to look at the door and started screaming as they saw the werewolves enter the hall. 

"There she is!" Willa stated looking directly at my sister. I then ran over to her and stood protectively as Zed call out some football formation to the team and they took their places in front of me and Addison. 

"Where's the moonstone white hairs?" Willa asked looking at us.

"I think you've got the wrong people." My sister answered 

"Uh, Eliz what are you doing?" I heard Zed ask 

"Let's smash our Z-Bands and Zombie out. We can use our strength to fend them off." Eliza replied. 

"We can't lose control we are  not monsters." 

"Our razor sharp claws will gut 'em and splatter their blood." Wynter said making me look at her strangely while everyone else screamed. She then looked between me and Willa and asked "Too much?" I nodded and Willa did a little side nod. 

"Wolves! On my command!" Willa stated. 

"Willa!" Wyatt started in a whisper-yell. "We can't go to war with the whole town. We'll never find the moonstone if they're on high alert." 

"I hate it when you're right." Willa responded. "Wolves. Stand down... Sorry. We werewolves so admire your town, and we just came here to join your school." 

"What? They can't join our school" Bucky stated. 

"Technically the forbidden forest is within the school district." Coach stated matter-of-factly.

"So..." I started "Welcome to Seabrook" Addie finished. 

~We have now magically skipped to outside~

I was walking with Zed and Eliza handing out Zed's president poster thing (I have no idea what they are called) 

"Zed for prez! Vote Zed for prez because I'm a zombie not a zom-can't-be!" 

"Okay, here's our platform." I started

"We fight for zombie toppings on pizza in the cafeteria." E continued


"Get zombie tongue taught as a second language." I stated.


"And how to overthrow your oppressors after school club." Eliza and I said simultaneously.

"Eliza, sky" 

"Sorry, right." E started

"Don't overpromise" I finished.

"But more importantly, we allow zombies at prawn." 

"Good luck Mr. Future President." Addie stated.

"Hey Zed, did you hear?" Bree squealed as she walked up to us "Addie's being tested for captain and she gets to run cheer practice tomorrow."

"It's not a big deal." Addie responded making Bree look at her like she's gone mad. "Okay, it's huge."

"A huge chance to fail!" One of the Acey's called making me send them a glare.

"If Addie aces this practice, oh my gosh, she's so going to be cheer captain once Bucky wins." Bree declared. I coughed trying to make her stop, it didn't work. "He's so gonna win, because you know, elections, they're just these big old popularity contests." She continued as I continued to cough and Addie was shaking her head. "And Bucky is super popular." Zed then clears his throat making Bree turn to him and ask "What? And sky are you alright?" I nod in response scratching the back of my neck.

"Thanks Bree" Zed responds looking down making me hold in a laugh. 

"I know it's weird that I'll only be cheer captain if Buck's president, but" Addie started before getting cut off by Zed.

"No, that just means that neither of us can lose, because one of us is going to get what we want. And I can live with that."

"Me too. You'll do great Zed." My sister said then they started staring at each other smiling which was super cringey (Idk how to spell it) but then Zed gave her a leaflet and we continued walking. 

~Time skip~ 

I was standing next to my locker when I heard Willa say "These sheep just let us in?" I turned to look at them as people ran in front of them. "Baaaaad idea." 

"We agreed to play nice." Wyatt said looking at his sister. 

"Oh, this is me being nice." She said as she scratched the lockers, but they then stopped at mine and she said "Nice locker." 

I looked between her and Wyatt responding with "Thanks. But you know, if you want to get on their good side I wouldn't go around scratching things up." 

"And why would we listen to you?" She asked

"Because 1, I've lived here my whole life and 2, I'm one of your only hopes of finding your moonstone." I stated crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Yeah well we still have your sister" 

"True but what if she's not it? Then what?"

"Then we'll- I don't know what we'll do but we'll do something."

"Look, I'll help you find your moonstone if you do something for me in return."

"Ok, like what?"

"Like maybe- uhhh I don't know I'll think of something later"

"Anyway, let's find that moonstone" Willa stated as they walked off. I turned around and saw Wynter quickly get a drink from a water fountain then run after them. 

I turned and saw Zed and Eliza walking over so I joined them and said 'Hi'

"Hi Skylar" 


"Ok, so the cheer fans are in Bucky's camp, and zombies and the football team in mine, the school's split right down the middle. Werewolves are the swing vote." Zed explained

"Wolves are key to winning this election." Eliza stated

"But you know, winning over the wolves is gonna be hard." I added.

"Trust me, I got this" Zed stated confidently. "We're gonna win the wolves votes and more. We just have to show them how to fit in like us." I looked at him with a confused expression. Suddenly, the school bell went off and the wolves howled at it making Zed jump, making me try not to laugh at him.


1114 words

I am sorry for being inactive and I'm sorry if this isn't that good.

I kinda rushed finishing it sooo....

Anyway, I probably won't be updating that much because I have to got to hell, also known as school. So I'm sorry. 


BYEEE My Beautiful hoomans

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