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Hey I'm so sorry it's been so long. I kinda forgot about this story I'm not gonna lie. But I've started working on an actual book that I hope to publish. If you want to read it I may post the first draft on here to see how it does. But yeah, I'm still going to continue with this as much as I can but it will be slow updates which I am sorry about. But alas, we must get on with it. So here's the next part xx 


With that we quickly run inside, but unfortunately,.. 

Crap. "We triggered the alarm, hurry!" I hear Willa shout from beside me. 

I stop in my tracks, seeing the lights flash on and people surrounding us. I look around at the wolves before bringing my attention back to the people stopping us. I see my dad step out of his car. "Wolves!" He shouts at us. "Freeze where you are!" I stare him directly in the eyes, not backing down from his threatening stare. I notice cops surrounding us and reaching for their back pockets in fear. I smirk slightly, still staring my father down. 

~Addison's POV {At school}~

I'm in deep shi-

"Addie, are you ok?" Bree breaks me from my thoughts, sitting next to me. 

"I lost the necklace Bree," I say turning to face her "I let the wolves down." Out of nowhere a loud alarm starts blaring from the speakers. Bree and I stand up confused, "The Z-alarm?" I question. 

"Attention, attention, monster activity at Seabrook power." The announcer on the speaker announces.

"It's the werewolves, we have to help them." I exclaim, looking at the girl in front of me. "Bree, would you?" 

"I will. I'm in. Always." She replies, smiling at me. 

"We can't do this alone." I inform her, "We need to rally the Z-team." 


"No actually, We're gonna ned everyone." I say smiling at her.

"Ay aye captain." She salutes me making me chuckle. 

"Come on." I turn down the hallway

~Back with the Werewolves (Skylar's POV)~ 

We all huddle in a circle, watching the people around us closely, making sure they don't try anything. I lock eyes with my dad again and send him a sly smirk. 

"You're trespassing, werewolves!" My dad says, breaking eye contact with me. Wyatt steps forward, standing next to me.

"How can we be trespassing on our own land?" He questions, 

"This is werewolf territory." Wynter growls, walking forward as well. 

"I don't know anything about that." My dad says looking around, before looking back at me.

"You/We can take them" Willa and I say at the same time as the rest of the wolves step towards the workers, growling and showing their claws.

Oh God. I just know we're gonna start singing. 

Willa, Sky, Wyatt, All

Hear it, getting louder 

Yep, here we go. I sigh. 

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