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I just took a walk around the school not going anywhere in particular.

I soon bump into Eliza as she asks "Where's Zed he's gonna be late for the debate!"

So i pointed her in the direction where I left him and Addi and walk back off. 

Soon after I was walking around and bump into some of the wolves "This is how we sabotage the demolition and stop them." I overheard Wyatt explain. 

"It's my responsibility to make sure we're all safe. We follow my lead." Willa responded.

"It's a good plan Willa!" Wyatt exclaims 

I turn around when I hear my sisters voice "What plan?" she asks 

"Their plan to sabotage the demolition." I answer my sister casually

"Yeah We're going after the moonstone. Top secret! You can't tell anyone. Also how long have you been here Sky." Wynter explains. She then realises what she said and starts hitting her head exclaiming "Bad wolf, bad wolf!"

""You're going after the moonstone now!?" Addi asks shocked.

"Yeah try and keep up Ad's!" I answer 

"It won't survive the detonation." Wyatt explains sadly

"Then let me join you!" Addi says walking closer to them "I'm ready to become a wolf." I just look down sadly 

"If you really are one. Sky also might be one." willa answers matter-of-factly, making me smile at her. 

Addi then opens the box and gasps. I look at her confused then look in the box and look at her shocked "You lost it!?" I ask shocked as she mutters "It's gone" To the wolves looking at us.

"Do you know how precious a moonstone necklace is? If she was serious about being a wolf, if she was the great alpha, she wouldn't have been so careless." Willa says looking at my twin with sadness and anger in her eyes.

"Hey, look she may have lost it but I'm sure she'll find it we can just retrace her steps it can't have gone far I mean where have you been today Ad's" I say looking between Willa and Addi. 

"I... I don't know I had it while we were talking to Zed and then I've just been walking around." 

"While you two figure that out, stay out of our amazing hair!" Willa responds turning and walking away the others following after looking at us ,mostly Addi, sadly. 

I look back at my sister and say, "you're on your own for this one i've gotta go do something." I give her a quick hug and leave the school making sure not to be seen because technically I'm supposed to be at the debate. 

I make my way to the forest, which has suddenly become my comfort place, because I just kinda need some time alone. Anyway I make my way further into the forest and find a big tree and sit against it and pull my songbook out my bag. Nobody knows this but I actually love making music and hope to be a world famous artist one day. I pull out my songbook and open it to my most recent song. 

It's called: To my parents and I started writing it about a year ago but only recently found the courage to finish it. I pulled out my phone to play the backing track to see how well it goes and started to sing.

I'm sorry mom and dad
I know I messed up bad
I should've, should've done, should've done better
I'm sorry mum and dad, for all the time I had
To get my life, to get my life together
But I didn't1993, you gave birth to me
Sweet little baby girl
Had the world in my feet
Before I could even standCradled me in your right and left hand
A precious bundle of unmade plans
Hopes and dreams of bigger thingsA bright future so it seemed
Oh, but that light grew a little less bright
As I grew and we began to fightWhen I was 13, I was so damn mean
Running away, had nothing more to say
Than I hate you
But that's not true now
I just don't, I just don't know how to sayI'm sorry mom and dad
I know I messed up bad
I should've, should've done, should've done better
I'm sorry mom and dad
For all the time I had
To get my life, to get my life together
But I didn'tYou never talk about to your friends
Because you must be so embarrassed
I dropped out of college without any plans
Moved back home I couldn't even pay rent
I was living on your couch trying to figure it out
Putting myself up and tearing myself downI'm sorry mom and dad
I know I messed up bad
I should've, should've done, should've done better
I'm sorry mum and dad
For all the time I had
To get my life, to get my life together
But I didn'tI'm sorry that I couldn't buy you
That house upon the hill
Or take care of all your medical bills
I know I didn't make you proud
I should've been someone by now
But I never figured out howI'm sorry that I couldn't buy you
That house upon the hill
Or take care of all your medical bills
I know I didn't make you proud
I should've been someone by now
But I never figured out howI'm sorry mom and dad
I know I messed up bad
I should've, should've done, should've done better
I'm sorry mom and dad
For all the time I had
To get my life, to get my life togetherI'm sorry mom and dad
I know I messed up bad
I should've, should've done, should've done better
I'm sorry mum and dad
For all the time I had
To get my life, to get my life together
But I didn't
Sincerely your daughter

I hadn't realised i was crying until I felt a tear drop onto my leg I quickly wiped it away and stood up. I decided to take a walk around town and maybe buy some fro-yo and see how the wolves are doing. 

~Time skip bought to you by Just Eat~

I make my way over to zombie tower and find the wolves outside getting ready to go in. 

"Hey, you guys need some help?" I ask walking over to them. 

"We need all the help we can get" Replied Wyatt and Willa nodded in approval. 

With that we quickly run inside, but unfortunately,...

Yolo so sorry for not updating sooner i haven't really had any motivation recently but I will try and post more often. 

I'm picking my GCSE's soon so that's fun. 

If any of you have done your GCSE's let me know what subjects are good bcos i really have no idea. 

Anywayy I think that's all for now 

Hope you guys have been okay. I'll try and add some Wylar/skyatt (Wyatt and Skylar) fluff I'm just not really sure how I could add it but I will try

Also they are going to be going to Prawn together lmk who you want to ask who uhm yh 


Byeeeee my beautiful hoomans 

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