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"What do you think about this one ?" Shawn said for the fourth time making me sigh
"You look good in it just like you do in the three other one Shawn !!" I groan loudly
"Shawn that's the fourth shirt you're trying, why are you so nervous ?" I said as he shakes his head
"Martina that's gonna be the first time I meet your family and you still ask me why I'm so nervous ?" He said looking at me with his hand on his hips as I shake my head rolling my eyes

"Come here" I said as he sighed walking towards me
"I understand you're nervous but everything is going to be fine" I said buttoning his shirt
"You don't need to worry I'll be right by your side all the time okay ?" I said as he wraps his arms around my waist
"Okay" He mumbled as I peck his lips
"Good now let me get ready" I said before walk to the wardrobe

"You know I thought about something when you were in the shower" He said laying down on the bed

"Tell me about it"

"If you're two months pregnant, that's mean it happened the night before we went to Canada right ?" He said and I nod
"But I wore a condom" he said confusedly as I put a pants on the bed
"For the first round, not for the second" I said grabbing a shirt as he raises his eyebrows understanding

"That's why it felt so good" He mumbled more to himself as I shake my head rolling my eyes
"Does your breasts still feel sore as this morning ?" He said as I start to dress myself
"Yes but it's okay tho" I said looking at him
"You know the proposition of earlier still up" He said with a smirk

"I won't let you massage them Shawn not after what happened yesterday" I said with a chuckle as he laughs

I let him massaging them yesterday because they were really sore and it was really hurtful...
The massage never ended but we both ended naked in our bed.

"And there's no way you gonna open the door to my family with a boner" I said with a laugh as he shakes his head smiling

His smile fades away when the doorbell rings making me laugh

"Babe" He said in a panic tone as I shake my head
"Everything is gonna be okay stop worrying" I said pecking his lips
"Now let me put my shirt on and go open the door I'll be downstairs in a few" I said cupping his face in my hands and peck his lips again
"You better be downstairs in two minutes" He said before walk away


"Les juro que será mejor que se porten bien esta noche si no quieren tener problemas más tarde. // I swear you better be good tonight if you don't want to get in trouble later." I heard a voice scold from behind the door

"Good evening" I said opening the door as their attention snap to me

"Martina were right you're really handsome" Her mom said making blush as I chuckle
"I'm Mariana, Martina's mom, that's Alejandro, her dad and that's our son, Francisco. It's nice to meet you" She said hugging me taking me by surprise

"Ma you're scaring the poor boy" Martina said chuckling making me sigh in relief
"I'm not, am I ?" She said looking at me and I shake my head chuckling
"Good then" She said before turn toward Martina
"Mi amor look at you" She said hugging her daughter as Martina giggle

"Hey son" her dad said shaking my hand with a smile
"It's nice to meet you Mr.Stoessel" I said smiling as he pats my shoulder
"You can call me Alejandro, no need to be so formal with me son" He said before walking inside

"So you're my sister boyfriend"

Francisco was literally the male version of Martina, they look exactly the same, that

"Fran" Martina said in a warning tone behind me
"Don't listen to him Shawn" She said standing beside him
"Hermanita" he chuckled wrapping his arm around her shoulders as she smiles
"I missed you dummy" She said as he kissed the top of her head
"Really ? Because I didn't" he said making her roll her eyes playfully


"What are you doing for living ?" Martina's mom asked me as we were eating
"I run my own business" I said as she nods
"Is it working well ?" Her dad ask me and I nod
"Did you saw the size of this house ? Of course it does !" Fran said looking around making Martina chuckle beside me

"Since how long do you guys know each other ?" Mariana said looking between Martina and I
"Nine months, the 25th it will make ten" Martina said resting her head on my shoulder as I kiss the top of her head

"Do you treat my sister well ?" Francisco said pointing his knife at me making my eyes go wide open

"Put that knife down when you talk to my man !!" Martina scold him as his mom slap the back of his head
"Qué dije antes de entrar ?! // What did I say before walk in ?!" His mom said as he rubs the spot where his mom hit
"And yes he's treating me very well" She said looking up at me with a smile
"Good then" He said before continuing to eat as Martina rolls her eyes

"Now I understand what Jordan feels like" I muttered as Martina laughed


"You really love him don't you ?" My mom said making me look at her
"I do yeah" I said feeling myself blush
"Why are you looking at me like that ?" I said with a nervous chuckle as she narrows her eyes at me

"You're glowing...." She said as I raise my eyebrows
"Really ?" I said avoiding her eyes as she cups my face in her hands examining my face
"Soy tu mama Martina, you can't hide anything from me" she said rubbing my cheek
"Don't tell dad or Fran yet, I want to say it myself" I said as she smiles widely and leave a kiss on my forehead
"I'm so happy for you" She said hugging me tightly as I giggled
"I'm happy too mommy" I said looking over Shawn

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