Our Hearts [A J.Bieber Story] Ch. 27

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:: Justin ::

I glanced around the ballroom. It looked much different than yesterday because now...it was filled with people. Some which I didn't know, some which I did. Victoria had disappeared somewhere and I was anxiously waiting for Clay to arrive...with Lila. I was extremely nervous. What if everything didn't turn out as planned?

"Happy Birthday, Justin!" Miley Cyrus appeared, a big grin across her lips. Her gold gown gracefully fallin down to her ankles.

"Thanks, Mi." I smiled and nodded politely.

"Having fun?" She asked, bobbing her head to the music.

"Uh, yeah." I flicked my hair out of my eyes.

"I'll see you around. Imma catch with Demi." She blew me a kiss and disappeared. I let out a sigh, feeling slightly impatient. Where the hell was Clay?


I made an 'oof' sound as two fragile arms wrapped around my neck in a hug.

"Selena, hey." I smiled as she pulled away. She was wearing a tight, silver dressed which defined every inch of her body and her hair was pulled into a side ponytail.

"I've missed ya! Where have ya been?" She pouted.

"I, uh, busy." I glanced over her shoulder, noticing a figure walking our way.

"Ok!" She ruffled my hair. "See ya 'round. Happy birhday!" She planted a surprise kiss across my cheeks and disappeared. Suddenly Victoria appeared in front of me.

"Clay's here!" She squealed.

I grinned. "So that means-"

"Lila's here!" She finished for me.


COMMENT! It's short but COMMENT VOTE FAN! This is almost done! ;D

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