Our Hearts [A J.Bieber Story] Ch. 8

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:: Lila ::
Justin and I walked for what seemed like a whole hour. We barely talked. I had my head rested against his shoulder and my hand in his. Like that, we walked and walked until we came to this stone sidewalk. The sidewalk led us up to what seemed like a cliff. I was speechless. The view was amazing. I could see the sun rising behind this beautiful lake and behind that all I saw where trees...and trees. It was simply stunning. Justin led me to the edge of the cliff where we sat down.

"Wow. This view is...amazing." I exclaimed.

"I know." Justin agreed but when I looked at him I realized he wasn't even looking out into the lake. He was looking at me instead. I threw him a small smile knowing he hadn't meant the lake at all. He had meant me. That made my insides flutter.

He grinned placed his arm around me and sighed. "Do you think our parents are already looking for us?"

I shrugged. "Does it really matter?"

Justin shook his head and pulled me closer to him. I rested my head on his shoulder. I was worried about what my mother was eventually going to say to me. I was going to be grounded for eternity...but right now that really didn't matter. I'm glad Justin and I had sorted out our feelings. I'm glad we feel the same way about each other. Things felt kinda...perfect.

"Want to know a secret?" Justin whispered into my ears, interrupting my thoughts and making me shiver in a good way.


His hand found mine. "Well...you know those lyrics I wrote the other day? The ones you asked me about? They are about a girl."

I didn't know what exactly he was trying to tell me. I knew those lyrics were about a girl. He'd told me. It had hurt to know that...and it still did. Why was he bringing it up?

"Well that girl...I like her. A lot. She's become a big part of my life in less then a week and..." he paused. He might have noticed that I was no longer looking at him and out into the lake again. He snickered.

"That girl...her name's Lila Sanders and I've completely fallen for her like a total idiot, but I guess that's ok because...idiot or not, I know she likes me back."

My mouth wide open in surprise, I looked back at Justin to see a smile spread across that little devious face of his. Yes, it was my turn to call him devious. How dare he do that to me?! How dare he make me think that song was about some other girl?! Ugh, he's right, he is an idiot! I slapped his arm.

"Ow! Lila, what was that for?" he rubbed at his arm but his smile never left his face.

I frowned. "You...you jerk! I thought- but you- Justin!" I slapped his arm again.

"Ow! Really, Lila? Really?" he complained. "I didn't think you'd react like this!"

"How did you expect me to react? I just thought- ugh!" I let out a frustrated sigh.

Justin gave me a playful shove. "Hey, sorry. I just didn't wanna tell you because I thought you felt differently then. The song was always about you and...I am an idiot because I should have told you from the very beginning."

I couldn't help but smile. "I love you, you idiot." I hadn't realized what I'd said until I noticed the reaction of shock and surprise on Justin's face. I hadn't meant to say that. Did I? I don't know. I began to stand up.

"I...sorry." I bit my lip, my face red.

Justin pulled me back down and chuckled. "Why are you apologizing?"

"For what I just said." I told him, my face becoming redder.

He just kept chuckling. "You don't apologize for saying something you mean, Li."

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