Our Hearts [A J.Bieber Story] Ch. 6

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I bit my lip as I sunk down to the floor bu Justin's door. I didn't have the guts to even knock. I had no idea what had happened earlier, besides he probably taking a shower. I fiddled with my fingers for a while until I heard a shower go off inside Justin's room. So he was taking a shower after all. I let out a sigh and stood back up. I had to confront him. I had to know why he suddenly began acting so strange. I slowly turned the nob and peeked inside his room. He was laying on his bed with nothing but boxers. Why did I always have to catch him in boxers?

"Lila?" Justin sat up, his face expressionless.

I threw him a weak smile. "Hey, can we talk?" He simply shrugged and patted the empty space beside him. I akwardly walked over and sat down.

"Um, I was just wondering why you seemed so distant since our conversation earlier."

He looked down but didn't answer me. I noticed something in his eyes, I just couldn't detect what it was.

"Justin, you're my best friend! You can trust me!" I was becoming frustrated and I didn't even know why. Justin sighed. I thought I saw a flash of anger cross his face.

"That's the problem!" He looked over at me and I felt his hand grab mine urgently.

"I don't want to be just friends! I want to be more and it causes me so much pain to be around you and not get to kiss you, touch you, hug you..."

I had to admit. I was surprised. Shocked. He really felt that way? He liked me? How blind was I to not notice that earlier. He felt the same way I felt about him. I don't exactly know what we felt...but I know we felt something.

"Justin, I-" He cut me off.

"I get it. There's someone else. You don't have to explain." Sadness filled his face now. Plain, old sadness. But there wasn't someone else. There was just him. Why would he even think there was someone else?

"Justin, there is someone. That someone is YOU! I like you! I feel the same way I just thought that you felt differently."

He looked over at me, half confused, half relieved.

"You're not dating that Michael guy?"

I laughed. I guess I found it silly and cute that he thought I was dating Michael. So that's what was wrong with him. He thought I was dating Michael. I giggled.

"I'm not dating Michael! He's just a really good friend, no more, no less! All I really want is you!"

With that he smiled. His smile seemed to light up the room. I felt like something or someone was tugging at my heartstrings. I felt the butterflies awaken in my stomach. I felt a new emotion take over my body.

"Lila, I-I didn't know. I...I really like you. You're beautiful. Did I ever tell you that?"

I blushed. I'm pretty sure I turned bright, bright red. The redness deepened the minute he began to lean in. He was leaning in! What was I supposed to do now? I've never kissed a guy before! Should I lean in too? Should I tilt my head? Maybe I should just follow his lead. A smile played at my lips as Justin's own lips inched closer...and closer. Why was he going in slow motion? Was he? Maybe I was imagining things. Maybe my world was playing tricks on me.

Or maybe I just didn't want this moment to end.

I could feel his lips slowly brushing against mine now.

"Justin, dude, do you-"

Justin pulled back quickly before our lips even had time to met. Disappointment flooded me. Clay. It was Clay's voice. He'd ruined my moment.

"Um, sorry, did I interrupt something?"

I turned to Clay and glared. "What do you want?"

He seemed akward. "I just wanted to ask Justin is we wanted to play Xbox with me but...he seems busy." Clay made a kissy face and quickly slipped out the room.

I could hear Justin snickering behind me.

"What's so funny?" I turned to him.

"You're brother." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "He always interrupts."

Justin's laugh slowed to a smile. "Yeah...where were we?"

I bit my lips and smiled. "I think I know."

And with that, Justin leaned foward once again, except this time he wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer. My lips met his instantly and I felt my whole world explode with a feeling I'd never experienced before. It felt magical. His lips felt magical. I've never felt so...so right. So whole.

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