Our Hearts [A J.Bieber Story] Ch. 5

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Justin wasn't home when I woke up he next morning. I don't know what that feeling was but I was disappointed. I ate breakfast in silence, silently wishing Justin was here. Clay was sleeping in today and my mother was carrying on a conversation with Pattie. My father had gone out. He had been a little lately; I didn't really notice till now. Guess Justin's absence has made me realize some things.

I excused myself and went outside for some fresh air. The day was pretty boring so far. I laid back on the grass and stared at the sky. I obseerved the different cloud shapes. One looked like a bunny wearing a hat while another looked like a dog, or maybe a tiger. Then there was a really puffy one that looked like...a heart.

I heard footsteps and then voices. I sat up to see Justin walking up his driveway...with a girl.

He laughed.

She laughed.

I felt my knees go numb, but not in that good way it usually did. This was different. I stood up and tried o make my way to the door before Justin could see me.

Too late.

"Hey Lila!" He called.

I turned around and sighed. "Hey Justin."

He smiled. "This is Caitlin. Caitlin, this is Lila."

I choked a 'hi' and began to make my way up the porch steps wishing a had the vampiric speed they mentioned in a few of my favorite books.

"Lila, where you going?" I could feel his hand gently take hold of my wrist. How did he get all the way over here?

"To my room." I mumbled keeping my gaze far from his.

He spun me around to face him. "What's wrong? You look...down."

I put on my best smile. "I'm fine, Justin. Go hang with Caitlin."

He let go of my wrist and for a moment there I thought I saw a flash of hurt on his face. I walked up, closer to the door now.

"Lila, what's bothering you? You're not fooling me." I heard him say.

I just simply shook my head and finally made it to the door. I slammed shut behind me and ran up to my room, tears threatning me.


Was it something I did? I turned to Caitlin.

"Did I do something?"

Caitlin chuckled. "Honestly Justin, I didn't think you were this blind."

"What are you talking about?" I sat down on the porch steps.

Caitlin sat down next to me. "The girl's obviously head-over-heals for you. Isn't it obvious?"

My eyes lit up. "You think?"

She nodded. "And you're head-over-heals for her."

Was I? Maybe Caitlin's right. Lila is beautiful. I love spending time with her and sometimes I just want to press my lips to her and kiss her without a care in the world.

Oh my god.

I was head-over-heals for Lila.

I sighed. "Yeah, you're right. I do like Lila. A lot. More than I thought possible."

Caitlin smiled. "Well then what are you waiting for? Make her yours!"

I rolled my eyes. Typical Caitlin. Always rushing things. "I will." I grinned.

Caitlin patted my arm. "I'll talk to you later. Go talk to Lila. Tell her how you feel. I'll be at Tyler's." She planted a kiss on my cheek and skipped off without one last glance.

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