~OC Review - Blackberry~

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This oc was made by @pumpkinpii! All rights to them for the OC i'm reviewing today.
My review and thoughts will be written after this ---> //

Name: Blackberry
Former names: None
//a nice, pretty name! And its a relief to see a plant name be used for a warrior and not a medicine cat for once. It is a bit basic though. 8.5/10

Rank: Warrior
Former ranks: Kit, Trainee
//no comment

Clan: EagleClan. A Clan named after a fierce bird of prey, EagleClan cats are known to be ruthless as a bird when it comes to fighting and protecting their territory. To other Clans though, they are thought to be brutes who only ever fight. EagleClan lives with two other Clans, SageClan (a Clan full of cool headed cats who are wise and calm), and OtterClan (a Clan full of mostly peace seeking cats who are welcoming, but not pushovers) Cats in EagleClan are commonly large; with muscular figures and curled claws that make for easily gripping enemies or prey. The territory is on a mostly rocky cliffside, where large birds frequently come. Mice and  some other small mammals are eaten; though EagleClan cats prefer the larger birds; leaping out of hiding to hold down and kill them when the birds swoop down. Because of this, EagleClan cats hunt in groups of atleast four. Their camp is inside a large cave by the cliff; though there are smaller tunnels used to escape into if a predator were to come.
//seems very interesting! The big problem i see here is that it is very similar to the Tribe Of Running Water. You could maybe have EagleClan cats hunt deer and other mountain animals and not just birds of prey.  The tunnels in camp are a good idea, too. 7.5/10

Some extra information on EagleClan: The cats of EagleClan dont have a two part naming system like the canon Clans do. Instead; they are named by their parents; often times by an event that took place or is special to the parents. For example a cat born the day after a flood may be called Wave; or a cat with a white coat may be called Snow. The Clan's also dont have mentors, and instead kits are often taught by their parents. If a mother of father dies, their adoptive parent cares for them instead. If a queen has too many kits, kin of the queen will step in to help; or a family friend. Leaders kits will lead after them; and if the leader has no kin; the medicine cat appoints the new leader via vision.
In EagleClan, most of their lifestyle is similar to the canon Clans, with elders and queens being fed first. Also a trainee rank is just when a cat is being mentored. Before they can be welcomed as a fully fledged warrior of the Clan, either the leader, deputy, or a seasoned warrior has a mock battle with them; and the cat must catch a certain number of prey before sunhigh. Depending on the season, it can be between three to five. Though since EagleClan cats commonly work together, a group of apprentices usually do this task together. Or the apprentice takes charge of a hunting group with warriors; with someone on standby to assess their teamwork skills and strategy.
//again, very interesting and creative, especially the names! 9/10

Appearance: Blackberry is a mottled, gray-brown feline with a large build. Their fur is medium lenght; with a white underbelly and muzzle. Blackberry's tail is somewhat fluffy; they also have blue eyes. One of their ears is torn, and they have a few scars aswell (just ones from battles; most are small and none really stand out) Like most EagleClan cats, Blackberry has a muscular figure, with curved claws and is somewhat tall.
//a good, detailed description, i like it. And i do enjoy seeing her be mentioned to be a more basic EagleClan warrior by her looks, so shes not the special snowflake of the bunch. You could have mentioned that she has tough pads for walking on rocks, or strong back paws for jumping onto birds of prey. 8/10

Personality: Blackberry is an ambitious, and stubborn cat, though that's probably just come with the territory of being EagleClan-blooded. Their drive is what keeps them going, even despite everything thats happened. However the drive isn't exactly an innocent drive; its more of a revenge seeking one. Regardless, no cat can deny that once Blackberry sets their mind to something, they will go to great lenghts to achieve it; which can be both good and bad. Blackberry is commonly quiet and reserved, keeping to themselves and friends. However sometimes theie emotions bubble up and and burst out, causing a scene. Blackberry is also quite petty; holding onto emotions and wrong-doings that have happenes to them; and are unable to let things go.
Before Chirp died, Blackberry was a different cat. They used to be alot more open to conversation and small-talk, and somewhat more friendly to others. But afterwards; the death of Chirp hit them hard. They loved their mother so much; that they grieved for a really long time and seemed to draw into themselves, secluding themselves from others; which only ended badly.
//i love her personality! But i do see a few flaws here. First of all, "quiet and reserved" doesnt really seem to fit, as in her backstory she seems quite bold and, as mentioned here, ambitious. And because she spent so much time with her mother, she probably would've become stubborn and independant, and would have tried to get friends that are trainees. Of course, you can still keep her relationship with hee mother great, just think of the consequences. Maybe Chirp was a helicopter parent, or she was too fussy about Blackberry. Otherwise, seems good! 7.5/10

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