Chapter 1

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Authors note: Quick warning! This goes straight into angst! If you don't like that that's okay! I understand!


The light breeze that swept throughout every camp surrounding Lake Lilac blew through Max's fluffy hair, making some curls sway as if it were dancing to the rythm of a song. His face was calm and also clearly read, "If you fuck this up I will shank you." Something unusual for Max. Well, the calm was unusual. Neil and Nikki accompanied Max during his calm state.

"Neil! Max! Look, another squirrel!" Nikki exclaimed a few feet in front of where Max and Neil walked. It was where the forest began to take over some of the path to the docks. There wasn't any plans today so the trio had decided a nice sit at the dock would suffice. The main reason there wasn't any activities today was it was a Saturday, but if it weren't raining David would totally have brought them on a hike.


"Well Darn.. I was hoping to bring the kids on a hike today! But the rain would make it to slippery and dangerous to go out..." David frowned at the thought of no hiking. Meanwhile the campers rejoiced, so did Gwen, but I was internal. She knew how much a snowflake David was and didn't want to upset him further than he already was. She just gave him a reassuring pat on the the back.

"Hey, I'm sure it's fine. You can look at the trees or something, it's not like nature suddenly disappeared." In a blink of an eye David's usual bright smile was back once again.


Back to present time, the trio had successfully made it to the docks. Neal had some new bruises thanks to Nikki throwing stones at him. Nikki had a few squirrels in her pockets and Max laughed at Neils obviously pain filled and "I'm so done with this shit" face.

"Alright, I'll be over here, don't make to much noise, don't touch me and don't bring those fucking squirrels near me... I swear to God they have a whole new variant of rabies..." Max said flicking a pair of sunglasses on and a chair out onto the beach. "Neil, keep an eye on Nikki. We don't want her drowning or something." Truthfully, Max just wanted some alone time.

"But, she's gonna throw rocks at me!" Neil exclaimed, instinctively rubbing a new bruise on his head. Max glared at him, causing Neil to just sigh and follow the teal haired girl right back into the forest.

Max smirked at the near silence, of course it wasn't perfect, but it was the closest to quiet he could receive. He sat down onto the foldable chair and relaxed, closing his eyes and focusing on his thoughts. Water droplets gently patted his face, landed on the useless shades and wet his clothes. The sky became a dark shade of blue and gray, covering any previous light that may have shined through.


He didn't notice the changes in weather till a large crack of thunder could be heard echoing throughout the sky and the land below. Max's eyes shot open, the sunglasses turned side ways on his face as he sat up in a flurry. His usually numb expression was replaced with a face you'd have if you've just seen a ghost. His dark completion faded into a more pale version of himself.

Max has always been afraid of thunderstorms or storms in general, he just never let himself show his flaws in front of his peers. If he'd had known that was the case this day he would've stayed in his tent, cowering under the blankets where no one could bug him. Unfortunately, he just suspected light rain. That's what Neil and the weather forecast said.

He tossed on his hood and curled up into the chair. He couldn't move much after, he was to afraid.

This gave him time to think about things he really didn't want to think about. How cold his life was back home, but also the longing to go back.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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