Not so Bad

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'I should really get out of bed and continue training, even if I didn't make it into UA I can still become a hero' Midoriya thought to himself as he sat up in bed. He looked at his phone to see the time.

"5:09 A.M. I should go for a run" Midoriya put on his shoes, hoodie and sweat pants and headed out the door.

He jogged to the beach where he started his training to receive All Might's quirk. When he got there he decided to run up and down the beach 15 times. On his 7th lap he saw a familiar person sitting down in the sand.

"Is that Kacchan?" He whispered to himself praying it was just some random blonde. Sure enough it wasn't just someone random it was indeed Kacchan.

"Great.. maybe I can get around him without him noticing me." Midoriya said to himself. As he ran past Kacchan he thought he was successful until...

"What do you think you're doing here Deku!?" Kacchan yelled after him with tiny explosions in his palms. Midoriya froze.

"I w-was just going f-for a run" Midoriya said with a shiver. He knew this wasn't going to end well. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder. It started to burn.

"Didn't I tell you not to apply to UA" Kacchan growled. He was enraged at Midoriya.

"It's not like it matters.. I failed the entrance exam." Midoriya said quietly hanging his head in shame.

"Well of course you did you damn nerd!!! You just keep proving why the name Deku suits you so damn well. You're a pathetic failure!!" Kacchan laughed at Midoriya.

Midoriya clenched his fist and became visibly angry. Of course Kacchan noticed and opened his mouth about it.

"What are you gonna do you quirk-less extra? Are you gonna hit me!? I'll kill you!!" Kacchan screamed at Midoriya while making large explosions in his hands.

'I want more than anything to punch him in the mouth right now, but I can only use One For All at one hundred percent and if I hit him like that it will kill him' Midoriya thought.

"You think you can kill me!?!?" Kacchan's eyes were filled with hatred and rage. Midoriya realized he had said that out loud, or at the very least the last part. As he turned around to explain himself he felt a sharp pain on his jaw. He fell to the ground with Kacchan standing over him.

"This is the end for you Deku. I'm going to kill you right here on this beach." Kacchan's stare felt like it was burning a hole straight through Midoriya's head.


Kacchan put a good size blast right into Midoriya's chest, causing his hoodie to be destroyed. After that Kacchan punched Midoriya until blood was covering his knuckles.

"Now you die Deku!!!" Kacchan lifted his hand in the air to deliver one last hit to Midoriya.

"Hey stop that!!!" Someone yelled and grabbed Kacchan's arm. Midoriya could barely see. Between the swelling and tears. He saw some brown hair. The voice was female.

"Let go of me you damn reject!!" Kacchan said shaking the girl off of him.

"What's your problem!? Were you trying to kill him!?" She questioned Kacchan.

"I'm out of here, Deku next time I see you you're finished!" Kacchan yelled over his shoulder as he walked off the beach.

"Hey are you okay?" The girl asked Midoriya who was barely staying awake.

"W-who are you?" Midoriya said trying to sit up.

"I'm Ochoa Ura- WAIT MIDORIYA IS THAT YOU!?!" She yelled in shock.

"Yeah it's me, hi Uraraka" he turned towards her and winced in pain. She put a hand on his shoulder

"Hey, you're pretty beat up, lay down I'll be right back" She said and then ran off. A few minutes later she came back with a bottle of water and t-shirt.

"Drink this." She said and handed Midoriya the bottle of water and he drank it quickly while also rinsing the blood out of his mouth.

"Thanks I need that." He gave a weak smile and tried to stand up, he barely managed to get on his feet before falling over again. Uraraka reached out to him.

"Let me get you up with my quirk." She said and tapped his shoulder causing him to float. She put her arm around him to keep him on his feet. "Speaking of quirks, why didn't you fight back? With a quirk as strong as yours I'm sure you could take him!" She stated while flexing her free arm.

"Well you see my quirk has crazy backlash and I could break my arm again so I don't see the point. Plus Kacchan is amazing and he's been beating me up for years so I'm kinda used to it" Midoriya let out a defeated sigh. Uraraka was concerned about him but didn't let him see it.

"Let's get you home." She smiled at him and they started to walk together. While they walked they chatted. After a bit Midoriya was okay to walk by himself.

"So what are you gonna tell your parents? There sure to notice that black eye he gave you." Uraraka huffed.

"I'll just tell my mom I ran into a pole, I've done it before so she'll believe me." He let out a half laugh and could hear Uraraka giggle. A slight blush appeared across his cheeks.

"What were you doing on the beach this morning anyway?" Uraraka asked tilting her head in his direction.

"Oh well I was training. I have to get stronger and better control of my quirk if I want to make it into any hero course!" He said with a large grin on his face. Then Uraraka gasped.

"You're going to turn down UA!?!" She exclaimed.

"No I would never turn down UA. Its been my dream to go there since I was a kid, but I failed the entrance exam, I didn't even get a single point." Midoriya said clenching his fist and having the pain of failure stab him through the heart. Then he heard Uraraka burst out in laughter. 'Great now she's going to start calling me Deku too.' Midoriya thought and tried to fight tears.

"You didn't fail the entrance exam you big dummy!! You passed!!" Uraraka said through her laughing fit.

"HUH!?!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN I PASSED!?!?" Midoriya loudly questioned half in shock half thinking she was pulling some rude prank on him.

"Well you see I went to see if it was possible to give you some of my points and they told me that you did just fine on your own. So I assume that means you passed!" Uraraka said tapping her fingers together and blushing slightly. Midoriya's face turned bright red.

"Y-you really did that for me? I can't thank you enough!" Midoriya yelled and flung his arms around her. He quickly realized what he did, and quickly backed up practically glowing red.

"S-sorry about that!!!!" He shook his hands wildly

"N-no I-it's okay" Uraraka said blushing slightly. They continued walking until they arrived at Midoriya's home. They said their goodbyes and parted ways. It was only 8 am by this point.

'This day might not be so bad after all' Midoriya thought to himself as he made his way back into his bedroom.

Okay so that's the end of this chapter. It was a little longer than the last one. Hope you enjoyed it all the same. Thanks for reading. I hope to have the 3rd chapter out later this week. Credit to the creator of the characters and art work.

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