Seperate Worlds

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"Where am I? What's this stuff? Why can't I move? Am I dead?" Izuku thought to himself. He was in a dark, almost starry place. A large flash of white light opened up in front of him. The white was quickly replaced by blood red. A man with no face stepped before him.

"Izuku Midoriya.... We have much to discuss."


"please wake up Izuku... it's been three days.." Uraraka said into her arm. She looked up at her friend who still laid there unconscious. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying and she felt her eyes well up with tears again. Then she felt a soft hand on her shoulder. She turned to see All Might.

"We have much to discuss young Uraraka.."


"Who are you?" Izuku asked the suited man. The man let out a sinister laugh and took a few steps closer to Izuku.

"I go by many many names young one. You've grown quite a bit." The man responded with a smile. Izuku tried to get into a fighting stance, but couldn't move his body.

"What do you mean by that? I've never met you in my life!" Izuku snapped at the man who shook his head in response.

"Now now Izuku let's not get hostile, that's no way to talk to the man who created you.." The man spoke and his evil aura filled the space. Izuku felt like he had been punch in the gut. He looked into the mans face where his eyes should be.

"Are you my father?" Izuku asked. His question was met with a long pause. Then the man opened his mouth to speak.


"I think you should be the first to know the truth behind young Midoriya's quirk." All Might spoke calmly looking Uraraka straight in the eyes. She felt a chill go down her spine as she remembered how just a few days ago she had been listening in on their conversation.

"All Might I'm so so sorry about eavesdropping the other day. I was just curious about why you always seemed to give Deku more attention than the rest of us. You don't owe me any explanation." She bowed to her teacher as she issued her apology. He was quite for a moment before speaking up again.

"Izuku is my successor. He has inherited my quirk which is know as One For All. I entrusted the quirk to him after watching him attempt to save young Bakugo from a sludge villain. That was a year ago now." All Might said as he started to choke on his words looking at the shape his successor was in. Uraraka noticed and hung her head in shame.

"This is all my fault. He's only in this condition because he was trying to save me. If I hadn't been so weak.... If I was just stronger... maybe.. maybe.." Uraraka broke down into tears again. All Might placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"This is exactly why I chose him. He's selfless. Willing to sacrifice everything to save someone. Even when he was quirkless. He risked his life to save others. He is the true embodiment of a hero." All Might spoke with a light but serious tone. It calmed Uraraka down. She hung onto the fact that Deku was quirkless previously, but she'd bring that up later.

"Okay All Might... tell me.. what is One For All?"


The man laughed in Izuku's face.

"Don't be ridiculous! I would never consider myself your father. Like I said I created you. You were created to be the perfect vessel to carry on my quirk, but before I could get to you.... HE got to you." The mans words seemed to pour out of his mouth like venom. Izuku was stunned and incredibly confused.

"What on Earth are you talking about!?" Izuku shouted at the mysterious man. He scoffed.

"You really are stupid and useless, the name Deku is fitting. Let's start at the beginning, I created you, used my quirk to change your mother's memories and to make her believe she birthed you. I created you as a vessel for my quirk, but you were weak. I gave up on you. I've always been here however, I've always had access to your mind. So expect to be seeing more of me. Especially now that I know your little secret ninth user.."


"If that is what you wish to know I will give you a brief explanation.." All Might responded to his student. Uraraka nodded her head and remained seated with her eyes on Deku. Just before All Might spoke again Uraraka spoke.

"I don't want a brief explanation. I want to know everything, from the moment you met Deku. Why did you do this to him?" Uraraka choked on her words a bit unsatisfied with what All Might had said. All Might let out a large sigh and shook his head in agreement. He then went on to tell Uraraka the lengthy story of everything that had happened over the past year and the origins of One For All.

"Is there anything else I should know?" Uraraka thought as she gripped Deku's hand with a few tears rolling from her eyes.

"Yes. There is a man that will be coming after Midoriya soon... his name is..."


"How do you know about One For All!?" Deku shouted at the man with no face. Who again only laughed in his face.

"I had a hand in creating it... I gave a stock pile quirk to my pathetic brother.. we thought he was quirkless but as it turns out his quirk was a transferral quirk. So that is why you have it today." The man explained to Deku rather calmly. Deku nodded in understanding.

"You still haven't told me your name." Deku spat at the man who nodded.

"I suppose that is quite rude of me, and I'm getting sick of this conversation. Remember this name and remember it well, my name is All For One and I'm coming to kill you Izuku. Now goodbye." The man walked spoke as he got into Deku's face and tapped him on the forehead with two fingers.


Deku jolted up right in his hospital bed stopping All Might's sentence dead in its tracks. He was drenched in sweat and started breathing heavy.

"Deku!!!!" Uraraka shouted as she threw herself onto him and gave him a big hug. Deku didn't return the hug and locked eyes with All Might.

"What's wrong young Midoriya?" All Might questioned his successor knowing what the answer would be just by looking him in his eyes.

"He's coming." Deku spoke coldly and All Might hung his head. Uraraka let go of Deku and looked at her teacher, then back at Deku.

"Who's coming Izuku?" She asked her voice full of fear and concern. Deku looked down at his lap, his hand clenched in a fist.

"All For One."

Boom POW bam that's right I kept my promise! I got another chapter out! I won't be in quarantine much longer so chapters will be slower from here on out. All credit to the creators of the art and characters. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I didn't explain One For All in detail cause let's be real if you're reading this you know it already. Stay safe everyone!!

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