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"I GOT YOU NOW!!" Uraraka screamed at Deku as she reached out to attack him. He quickly moved out of the way and pinned her to the ground. He had her arm in the air and his knee on her back.

"Not quite." Deku said with a smug smile on his face. Uraraka groaned in frustration.

"Well done Midoriya. That was a good move and you did it without using your quirk. I'm almost not unimpressed." Mr. Aizawa said standing behind them in the sparring circle.

"Thank you..?" Deku replied unsure if his teacher was complimenting him or not. He stood up and offered Uraraka and hand. She rolled her eyes and took it. He pulled her up.

"Thanks Deku." Uraraka said to her friend.

"No problem, it's the least I can do after knocking you on your ass." Deku laughed. Uraraka was annoyed at his comment and elbowed him in the ribs. His laughter stopped immediately.

"First of all it was my FACE, and second how do you always beat me in sparring practice?" Uraraka crossed her arms frustrated with herself.

"Well you used all your good moves on me when I slept over!" Deku said a little too loudly causing a couple students in their class to look over at them. The pair of teens both blushed profusely when they noticed.

"Deku! You can't say things like that, people will start asking questions!" Uraraka whisper shouted at him. He mouthed the word "sorry" to her and she shook her head slightly annoyed.

"Okay everyone class is dismissed, there will be no homework tonight so you can all rest up for the sports festival tomorrow." Mr. Aizawa informed the class to some cheers and applause. The class was excited for the sports festival so they could show what they can do.

"I'm so excited for the festival!!" Uraraka shouted to Deku as the class walked out of the gym they were training in.

"Yeah me too! I can't wa-" Deku started before he was cut off by a certain pink girl in their class.

"OCHAKO!!! WE NEED TO TALK RIGHT NOW!!"Mina shouted enthusiastically. Uraraka looked confused at first, but then realized what her pink friend wanted to discuss.

"Oh shit.. okay we'll talk, Deku I'll meet you at my locker and we can walk home together, okay?" Uraraka looked at Deku and asked.

"Sounds good to me!" He smiled and walked off only to be grabbed by Kirishima.

"Hey Midoriya! You got a second to talk man?" The red head asked not really giving Deku the option to say no.

-Uraraka and Mina-

"So! What's the deal with you and Midoriya?" Mina asked wanting to get straight to the point. Uraraka rolled her eyes and walked through the doors of the girls' changing room.

"Like I've said a hundred times nothing is going on with me and Deku! We are just really good friends!!" Uraraka responded to Mina who was having none of it.

"Just friends? Then what were those moves he was talking about before?" Mina asked very suggestively. Uraraka very noticeably blushed and tried to respond.

"I.. he... we.. it's not... we didn't!!" Uraraka struggled to explain herself. The truth however was something did happen. Nothing major like sex or kissing, but something else.

"You sound pretty guilty right about now. So how was it? Was he good at it?" Mina asked not even trying to hide what she was talking about anymore. Instead of getting flustered Uraraka got angry.

"We didn't have sex! Even if we did it wouldn't be your business!!" Uraraka yelled in her friend's face causing every other girl to look in their direction. Uraraka quickly changed and stormed out to her locker.

I can't believe Mina would suggest me and Deku are having sex!!! I don't even like him. Sure he has beautiful emerald eyes and is incredibly sweet. Not to mention his body is ridiculously muscular and I love how messy his hair is and OH MY GOD I LIKE HIM!!!!

-The Boys-

"So you and Uraraka?" Kirishima asked Deku nudging him with his elbow. Deku blushed furiously and shook his head not able to give a verbal response.

"C'mon man you can tell us! We'll keep it to ourselves we promise!" Denki said crossing his heart with his finger. Deku still didn't say anything.

"Just tell us if you are dating or not that's all we want to know!" Sero whined trying to get Deku to say anything.

"Did you get to touch her boobs?" Mineta said very creepily while drooling at the thought. This made Deku lose his cool a little bit.

"Don't talk about her like that you freak!" Deku snapped towards Mineta and kicked him in the chest sending him flying into a wall.

"Woah man take it easy he was just messing around!" Denki said coming to the defense of his perverted friend. Deku looked over at him full of anger and annoyance.

"All of you need to learn your own goddamn business!!" Deku yelled which caused Iida to waddle over to the boys.

"Midoriya what is the meaning of all of this unnecessary noise!! You are supposed to be an ex-" Iida was starting to scold Deku but what cut off by a hand in his face.

"I am not in the mood for this right now Iida so please shut the hell up." Deku said as calmly as possible leaving his friend stunned. Deku changed and walked out of locker room.

I can't believe them! Don't they know how to mind their own business. Even if I did have feelings for her I wouldn't tell them!! Maybe Iida, but that's it. Thinking of him I should apologize, but not now I'm not going back in there. Whatever I'm sure seeing Uraraka will make me feel better. I can't wait to look into her beautiful eyes and hear her voice and OH MY GOD I LIKE HER!!!

-Uraraka's Locker-

"Hi." Uraraka said to coldly to Deku as he approached her locker.

"Hi." He responded equally as cold. The pair were both still annoyed due to their conversations. They both stood in silence for a few minutes while Uraraka gathered her things. When she turned to face his they locked eyes and instantly forgot about their anger.

"Hi." They said sweetly to each other at the same time. They both began to blush furiously. Neither of them knowing what to do or say next.

TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY!?!? WHO THE FUCK AM I!?!? I had a seriously fun time writing this chapter and I started it immediately after my last one was published. I scrapped my some of my ideas from the that I talked about at the end of last chapter. I may discuss what happened in a flashback but I might not. Let me know what you thought of this chapter! Credit to the creator of the characters and the art as always. Have a great day!!!

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