Double Date?

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"What the hell are you doing in my house and why is my mother HALF NAKED!?!?" Izuku shouted at his mentor who just chuckled as Izuku's mother put her shirt back on.

"Well you see young man, your mother has been very lonely recently because she hasn't had any visitors." All Might said with a stern tone shaming Izuku for not coming to see his mother more often. Izuku hung his head in shame.

"Yeah yeah.... Ochako you can come in now." Izuku called to his girlfriend who was awkwardly standing in the doorway. She nodded as she walked in. Just as she walked in Inko Midoriya walked out of her room. Upon seeing the brunette she ran across the room and threw herself at Ochako.

"Oh my goodness! You must be Ochako Uraraka!! All Might has told me so much about you since IZUKU doesn't talk to me anymore!!" Inko shouted in the poor girl's ear. Ochako returned the embrace and giggled a bit.

"It's nice to finally meet you Mrs. Midoriya. Izuku has told me a lot about you!" She smiled at the slightly shorter woman. Inko smiled up at her brightly.

"Please just call me Inko, after all one day I'll be your mother-in-law." She responded in a singing voice. Her comments cause the two teens to blush bright red.

"M-m-m-mom d-don't say s-stuff like t-that! We've only been d-dating for 2 days, 11 hours, 19 minutes, 37 seconds!!" Izuku responded receiving odd stares from everyone in the room. Before Ochako burst out laughing.

"Izuku you big dummy it's been 22 minutes not 19!" She said regaining her composure. Izuku looked down at his hand and started counting on his fingers.

"No I'm pretty sure it's 19, well 20 now." He said completely seriously. Ochako shook her head.

"Well I'm 100% certain that it's 22, now 23 minutes!" She kind of half shouted back. Just before Izuku could respond All Might spoke.

"Look Inko it's their first lover's quarrel." He said smiling at his two students while Inko hugged him and giggled. Izuku turned and pointed at his mentor.

"Don't think I forgot about you old man!" Izuku looked at All Might with a bit of rage in his eyes and Inko stepped in front of him.

"Do not talk to Toshinori like that again young man!!" Inko said to her son is a threatening manner. A chill went down Izuku's spine.

"Yes ma'am!!" He shouted bowing in front of his jmother.

"Good, now we were just about to go out for dinner care to join us?" Inko said back to her normal self. Izuku looked over at Ochako. She looked back and quickly nodded.

"Well then it's settled we are going on a double date!" All Might shouted proudly as his successor shot him an evil glance.

"No, it's just a dinner." Izuku mumbled to himself rolling his eyes. Ochako noticed that Izuku was upset and rubbed his back reassuringly.

"Well let's get a move on shall we?" Inko said walking to the door with All Might in tow. The young couple followed even though Ochako practically had to drag Izuku out of the apartment.

-At Dinner-

"So Izuku how has school been going? All Might tells me you've been training more." Inko asked her son while cutting her food.

"It's fine." The teen blandly responded while flicking broccoli around his plate with his fork. Then came the awkward silence. No one said anything for a few minutes. All just eating silently. All Might cleared his throat.

"So.... How's everyone's meal?" He asked with a large smile plastered on his face.

"It's really good! Thank you so much for this!" Ochako smiled back at her teacher. Inko nodded in agreement as she gave All Might's hand a squeeze. Izuku stayed quiet.

"How is your food young Mi-" All Might started but was cut off my Izuku standing up.

"I'm going to the bathroom." He said rudely and walked swiftly away from the table. He retreated to the bathroom and splashed some water on his face to calm himself down.

"This is fucking bullshit! My mom and All Might!? Are you shitting me! This has to be some kind of sick joke! This is terrible! Why the fuck are my mom and my teacher DATING?!?" He shouted at his reflection. He must've accidentally activated OFA because the mirror shattered.

"Fuck." He cursed at himself. He splashed more water on his face and walked out of the bathroom to find Ochako waiting on the other side of the door.

"Are you okay?" She asked her boyfriend who was clearly upset.

"Just peachy." He said rolling his eyes as he tried to walk past her back to the table. She grabbed his wrist and spun him back towards her.

"I know your upset, but don't take it out on me." She looked at him in the eyes and spoke sternly. The greenette swallowed hard and simply nodded. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"Good! Now let's finish this dinner and I'll show you what I bought at the mall earlier." She winked at him and walked back to the table and he followed like a dog on a leash.

After another 45 minutes of awkwardness the two couples left the restaurant and headed back to the Midoriya residence. When they all arrived they sat down in the living room.

"I have to get going soon, but before I go I have a gift for you Inko!" Ochako said with her regular bubbly voice.

"Oh thank you so much but you didn't have to do that!" Inko said to the teen with a large smile.

"I know, but I felt like it would be rude to meet you without giving you a gift! I'll be right back!" She said as she left to get the gift out of Izuku's room. When she came back she handed Inko a white bag.

"Open it!" Ochako said barely able to contain her excitement. Inko nodded and opened the bag. She pulled out a large t-shirt with her son on it. The shirt read "#1 Hero Deku". Inko's eyes filled with tears and she threw herself at the brunette.

"Thank you so much Ochako!! I cherish this forever!!" Inko shouted with tears streaming down her face. Ochako let out a small chuckle and returned the hug.

"I'm glad you like it! It's the first of its kind!!" The two women talked for a little longer before Izuku and Ochako left.

"You know you didn't have to walk me home right?" Ochako said looking up at her boyfriend. He blushed a bit and rubbed the back of his head.

"I just wanted to make sure you got home safe... and you said you had something to show me earlier so I was wondering what it was." He said looking up at the starry night sky. Ochako giggled a bit.

"It was the shirt I gave your mom silly!!" She said trying her best to contain her laughter. Izuku joined in her laughter for thinking it was anything else. Eventually the pair made it to her house. They gave each other a kiss goodnight and parted ways. A few minutes down the road Izuku's phone went off.

"Oh Ochako texted me, I wonder what she said." He said pulling out his phone and looking at the screen.

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His face turned crimson red.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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