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4 days later

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4 days later

Its been 4 days since the little incident at The club.

Embarrasing to say the least.

We were on the shade room getting dragged out by dave and justin and everyone in the comments just had to comment like they knew us...

I was currently sitting on the couch with a sleeping kia next to me we were watching princess and the frog but she feel asleep but I love this movie so I kept watching.

"Yo, im bout to head out" dave said coming down the hall way headed to the door

"okay" I said followed by a door closing.

Its been like this every since we left the club I don't know what I said but when I tell u he barely says anything and all he do is come home to shower sleep and change his clothes

He Don't even eat here

I was gone talk about it today you know see why he acting funny but he left and aint no telling when he coming back.

I just shook my head and continued to watch the movie.


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"yea..yea I like that " I said blowing smoke from my mouth

We were in the studio and I finally finished this damn album the world been nagging me about and my relase party is next weekend.

"aye east what happen to your girl I seen her on twitter getting dragged out the club" TS asked me laughing he one of justin friends

I just shrugged and brought the blunt to my lip cause I didn't feel the need to answer him I really don't know how all these niggas even got invited in here.

"you need to teach her how to throw hands cause katrina doing the windmill right now ole girl was beating her ass " he said showing the video of katrina and naomi fight

Oh when he said yo girl he mean katrina

"that aint my bitch , never was my bitch"

"oh shit my fault nigga " he said throwing his hands up in surrender

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