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"you love him right" Ashley said with her hand on her face as she laid in her bed on facetime

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"you love him right" Ashley said with her hand on her face as she laid in her bed on facetime.

I facetimed Ashley and told her everything that bitch said to me all while I was still sitting on the bathroom floor crying damn hormones. I usually wouldn't care this much.

"Ash thats a dumb question" i sniffed

"No its not do you?"

"Yes..i do"

"Okay then fuck what anyone else gotta say. They going to say what they want about u regardless"

"I know but i know hes close to his family i don't wanna be that burden on him, she was right i threw all my baggage on him and he-"

"And he didnt care, cause he loves you" she cut me off

I just huffed at her

"You just found out you're having a healthy baby girl, with the man you love... the man that accepted your daughter and a 17 year old girl that was going through something and you helped out. You didn't even know Jazmin like that but you trusted her and that meant he trusted her.. He had to trust you and your judgement enough for her to live in his house cmon omi"

"Mama" Dave called out

"Just talk to him and stop overthink it omi okay" she nodded at me through the screen

"Okay " i breathed out as i got up

"Love you" she called out

"Love you too" i said hanging up and unlocking the door walking in the room 

"Mama i-" He sighed looking at me " I made everyone leave"

"You didn't have to but okay" i shrugged

"Why are you making it seem like I agree or something? Why would i even think you were using me for money baby, and what pisses me off more is u wouldn't talk to me jaz had to tell me what happened. " he says as his eyes softened

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