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I haven't really told you about Marley and Tina but they are as stubborn as Sara and Justine and Sara and Justine are as stubborn as a donkey.

Tina always had her hair in pigtails. It was very long, she had brown hair, brown eyes and pale skin. She also always wore pink clothes. Tina's actual name is Tara. She just didn't want to be called Talking Tara because she wanted to be cool. But when Sara and Justine weren't talking she was talking and once she started she wouldn't stop. So if she did go by Tara she would definitely be called Talking Tara. Marley had black hair always in two braids with baby blue scrunchies. She had blue eyes and pale skin with freckles. They got popular because there was a girl named Emily and they bullied her about being a nerd. Justine and Sara were impressed so they invited Marley and Tina to hang out with them. Together they made the Glam girls crew.

Marley is my mom's mom's old friend's daughter's daughter. It's horrible right. It makes me feel like I am supposed to be friends with her. But friends with one of the Glam Girls, a ridiculous and absurd thought. Especially since I was going to get revenge on those petty, bossy, arrogant, careless, horrific, undisciplined donkeys.

I watched the Glam Girls heading inside the school and I realized two things. One, Lily had dyed all of her hair a caramel colour and added a streak of purple through her perfect hair to match Sara, Justine, Marley and Tina's. I gasped and felt pain, sorrow and betrayal course through my body. The second thing I realised is how did Sara know that Nick and I had hung out last night? Or was it merely a joke that she was saying that we went on our honeymoon. I grabbed my lunch tray up, anger coursing through my veins, along with embarrassment. I stormed back inside and as soon as I walked inside I could tell the aurora in the room changed. Everyone backed out of the way as I stomped over to Nick. I slapped my tray down on the table and I grabbed his arm. I hauled him up and he looked me in the eye. I saw a flash of terror flashed over him before I turned on my heel and dragged him out into the hallway. From behind us I heard someone shout out;

"You gonna go and make out with your husband?"

I stopped in my tracks and a smirk tugged at my lips. I rolled my eyes and turned back around to the cafeteria ready to out the brave soul who shouted that out. Nick grabbed my hand and gave me a look. Don't do something you will regret. So I turned back around and I lead Nick away. As we walked down the hallway the couple stray people we passed snicker at us. I lead him up to the second level. Up here there were only a couple classrooms that were used for storage and occasions that happened once a year, so I assumed that we were safe. I lead him to a couch that is just collecting dust. I crossed my legs and turned so I was looking at him.

"I was going to wait until later. But here's what we'll do."

I explained everything to him and he thought it's a great idea.

"But there's one downfall," I said. "We need Lily in on all of this." His face fell but then a small smile grew on his face.

"Well if anyone can get her on our side, it's you." He put his hand on my shoulder and I smiled.


I was hoping to get Lily onto the plan by the end of the week and it was Thursday. So when I was walking home I spotted Lily walking on the other side of the road a couple meters ahead. I looked both ways before dashing across the road.

"Hey Lily." She looked behind her surprised until she remembered that I am not a part of the Glam Girls. She scowls at me.

"What are you doing here?" I was slightly taken aback.

"Uh, listen Lily I need your help."

"Like I'd help you." She rolled her eyes and turned to walk away. I grabbed her hand, preventing her from walking any further. She looked quickly from my hand to my face. She had a look of sorrowfulness on her face but then her scowl replaced it again and she ripped her hand from my grip.

"Lily, please, come on." I could tell she heard the pleading in my voice and she looked me in the eyes. For a split second I could tell she would want nothing more in the world to give me a hug and say that she'd help me. But then I could tell that her relationship with Sara flashed through her mind and she got a determined look on her face. I balled up my fists trying to channel my anger and when Lily turned away it made me want to break down crying. I reached out to touch Lily's shoulder but she whips around.

"Don't touch me!" I peeled my hand away and drew my eyebrows together.

"Why are you the one that's mad? You're not the one that's been betrayed!" My anger started to build up. "I should be the one who's yelling at you to stop. To leave. I SHOULD BE THE ONE WHO'S MAD. AND GUESS WHAT... I AM! BUT I AM NOT THE ONE WHO'S SCOWLING AT HER FORMER FRIEND AND TELLING HER TO GET LOST!"

"I never said-"

"LISTEN HERE LILY. I NEED YOUR HELP. THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS HEAR ME OUT. Okay!? We used to be friends... W-what happened to that?" All the adrenaline that used to be coursing through me slowly died off and left me tired. "Lily, I-I just want us to be friends again." I could tell Lily seemed a little bit appalled at the idea but I could also tell that part of her wanted us to be friends again.

She sighed.

"I'll help you with whatever you want me to do, but you can't bother me about becoming your friend ever again." A little part of my soul became heavy but I needed to focus on the part that she said she'll help me get back at Sara. Lily also didn't say that we couldn't be friends ever again, just that I couldn't bother her about it. I considered it for a couple seconds before holding my hand out for her to shake.




Guess what? Only 3 more chapters and then it's a Q&A which also means the end of the book. But don't worry, we are already planning a second book! We are planning on this being a series of a bunch of short stories so remember to stay updated! For the Q&A we will post an empty page so you can comment on it and we will reply to them just incase that wasn't clear.


Remember to stay hydrated and that you are loved 🧡

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