~ Chapter V ~

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          Once Yuki let out some of his frustration yelling he finally sat down next to me. "What the hell... I thought heroes had to be honorable. Not some lying bastards." He angrily hissed as he took a deep breathe. "This is just great if I rest here I might be in risk of needing to take off my helmet." I thought to myself as I sighed loudly.

          "Although I hate to say this... We should just calm down and rest for now. Let's hope we can find the twins after we get out of this place." I told Yuki as he looked at me as if I where crazy. "What do you mean calm down! We where just thrown into a dungeon over something we didn't do! How can I be calm!" Yuki snapped as I sighed "I know that your mad and trust me I'm more then fucking mad.  What Tanaka and Skylar did was uncalled for... But losing our temper won't help our situation. Don't you think?"

           Yuki nodded as he began to take deep breaths. Soon enough he calmed down and sat down again. "You sleep for a while I'll stay awake." I told Yuki as he tilted his head. "What do you have issues sleeping or something? " he asked confused as I nodded. "Hey Inei... Why don't you take off your armor near others? Do you not look like the person you showed me? I don't mind if your a human, a demi human, a half dragon, or even a goliath under that armor.  All I care is about what's inside... About your intentions." Yuki spoke in a calm yet curious tone. "Are you asking me to show you my face again?" I asked Yuki as he smiled nervously.

        "Fine... I'll show you my actual face.  But, promise me you won't panic... That you won't call me a monster..." I stuttered as I faced Yuki and slowly removed my helmet. Yuki's eyes opened to their usual slant as he looked at my face. I slowly removed my left arm bracer and then the bandages revealing to him my slowly rotting arm. The tissue and bones where visible.

          Yuki's eyes went shut again as he smiled at me kindly. I put my helmet back on and then the bracer once I fixed the bandages. "Inei... I don't see a monster under that armor. I see a goliath who has been to hell and back." Yuki smiled once again as I sighed in relief knowing that I was at least accepted by one person... The only person I could truly consider a... friend. "I hide my appearance from others in fear of-" I was about to finish as Yuki butted in and finished it for me. "Being seen as a monster... You know, I have a sister back home and I know how you feel. She always has to hide herself from others in fear of being seen a monster." Yuki said as he hugged his knees closer to his body.

          "Inei... Why did you lie about your name being Inei?" Yuki asked as he yawned. "Well I actually don't remember my birth name. My foster parents gave me the name of Majiro but, after an incident that changed everything... My childhood friend died and I adopted his name Inei to honor him. He was a Demi human and his biggest dream was to become a hero. And to meet the sun hero... But he sadly never got a chance to do that. However I don't really remember what happened..." I said with a slight whimper in my throat as I felt tears build up in my eyes.

        "I see... Well although your friend never met me I know he lives on in your memory and heart. Although you lost your friend I'm here with you and I always will be." Yuki smiled widely as I smiled under my helmet. I felt a heavy yet calming feeling in my heart hearing Yuki's words. "Let's both rest for now although you aren't alive you still need rest to keep your sanity you know?" Yuki yawned as I looked at him a bit confused on how he knew that. I shook my head and lied down as Yuki and I both slept.

      "Wake up you traitors the king wants to hold your trial in the throne room." A guard ordered as I heard the cell door open. I was in a light sleep as I was unable to sleep properly. I heard a voice in my head begging me to "Eat..." I was lost in my thoughts as I could no longer hear the guard. Yuki slowly got up and yawned as he stretched.

        "Hey Inei wake up. It's time for our "trial" to start." Yuki yawned as he softly shook me. "Food... Hungry... " I groaned as my voice sounded husk almost like a zombie. "Hey you! Can we get some food here my friend here isn't feeling to well." Yuki glared at the guard. " I don't need to listen to you..." the guard scoffed as Yuki have him a stone cold glare. "If you don't listen to me right now...  I will make sure you wished you have never been born...You pathetic worm." Yuki insulted the guard as the guard shivered and ran off.

      Soon enough the guard came back with two platters of food. He handed me one and then the other to Yuki. I slowly opened the mouth piece to my helmet as my hands shook. I began to feel my sanity slowly leaving my mind. I quickly closed down the food as did Yuki. The guard then guided us to the throne room.

       The throne room was full of people as we saw the rest of the heroes sitting on a row of chairs. Skylar cried as she hugged Tanaka while the others glared daggers at us. We sat down at our  seats as I saw Zamali and Zaileon standing and glaring at the other heroes. "Your highness... Last night I caught the cursed hero in a dark alley way with the sun hero. The cursed hero was forcing himself on to the storm hero.  The sun hero used that brain washing shield of his to brain wash the prince and the princess. I was able to get the cursed hero off of the storm hero. Right when I foiled their plans they attacked me and then hurt the princess." Tanaka spoke as he held Skylar in his arms as she cried.

          Before the king could even speak Zaileon and Zamali quickly got up and shouted "That's not true!" The king looked at the twins and then looked at me and Yuki. "Speak you traitors..." The king spoke as he glared at me and Yuki. "Your majesty everything the Devine hero said is a total lie. Inei and I went to the alley way to check out a strange noise. When we entered they ambushed us and are now framing us for something we didn't do. " Yuki calmly spoke as I looked at the kings eyes. I saw his eyes glow purple for a moment as I automatically knew the king was hypnotized.

        As the trial went on for about two hours the king had made his choice. "I declare exile for the sun hero and the cursed hero!" The king shouted as Yuki and I froze. "T-This can't be happening..." Yuki stuttered in shock. I felt my blood begun to boil as I felt my anger rise. "YOUR MAJESTY YUKI AND I DID NOTHING WRONG! YOU CAN'T EXILE US!" I yelled in anger as the king eyed me in silence.

       "Leave my kingdom at once you disgusting wretches." The king hissed. Yuki  seemed angry as he grit his teeth and glared at the other people around the room. The people muttered and whispered about me and Yuki. I quickly  felt my jealousy and anger reach it's breaking point. I suddenly screamed at the top of my lungs as Hazirawn began to glow a bright green. I screamed louder as a black and green aura pulsed out from my body. "INEI  IT'S ALRIGHT RELAX!" Yuki  shouted as he held me back from lounging at someone. The king snapped his fingers as his guards began to aim their spears at me and Yuki. "Your not gonna hurt Sir Inei!" Zamali cried as a barrier of fire circled us.

     "Hero tier magic... World's plague!" I chanted in abyssal as I glared at the king through the fire barrier. "For all we care your kingdom can burn to ashes and we won't help you. If a lich attacks the kingdom then just relay on your honest and humble heroes." Yuki angrily snapped as the king scoffed. I softly whispered a curse in abyssal as the king instantly fell ill. The other five heroes instantly got affected by a different curse as they all quickly screamed and ran away. The guards quickly ran to the king as Zamali lowered her fiery barrier.

       We walked out of the palace as Yuki and the twins quickly pulled their hood over their heads. We glanced at the sky and saw black clouds over the city. As people began to panic while others quickly got sick. "Cover your faces with something you three!" I ordered Yuki, Zamali and Zaileon as they quickly covered their faces. We quickly ran into a nearby Inn as I tossed some coins at the Inn keeper. We all ran to the large room and sat down. The room was filled with huffing and panting as I silently looked out the window.


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