1.they strike again

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The blood spray paint murders strike again with a another wanted criminal but this one is from Georgia and the spray painter painted a melting heart. New York's police are trying to find the ones that's are responsible for this.  

Amor:dam it, they murders got away with it again.

 Bob:what do we do now boss

Whitty:yeah, what he said 

Amor:don't worry, I know a few friends that'll help, follow me.  Oh! Make sure to be in normal clothes.

Bob:come on whit, let's go get change 

      As the trio  walked to a art store. Now the art store sells a lot of things. Paints, brushes, water color,  Spray Paint and  more.

??:hey amor , what's up?

Amor:Bosip! Just the person I came to see, where's Ruv? 

Bosip:oh, just finishing his new work. (Notice Bob and Whitty) who's your friends Amor?

Amor:oh, meet Bob and Whitty, I work with them.

Bosip:nice to meet you

Whitt:same here bro

Bob:whaaaooo, you made these paintings

Bosip:heheh, thank you but not just me, my partner  Ruv help with some

Ruv:I heard my name comrade  

Amor:hey Ruv

Ruv:oh, hey Amor, do you need some more white?

Amor:not today bud but I wondering if y'all can help us with this murder mystery thing 

Ruv:keep spitting bars and maybe we'll help 

Amor:bob you do it 

Bob:ugh fine, so basically there's a murders on the lose killing non-innocent people  around Note🎵 City and since there aways spray paint on the wall when the murder is done the killer do's a painting but we need to know if y'all had any costumers that was sus. 

Whitt:and maybe y'all know the spray paint recipe and see if anything is wrong 

Ruv:okay, we'll help, Blue boi you go Bosip and Bomb boy on you go with me. 


Bosip:come on (cutie)



Ruv:amor go check out the recipe  


With Bob and Bosip

As Bob and Bosip walk through the security room,  and check the cameras 

Bosip:okay, what date did the murder take? 

Bob:it was two days ago

Bosip:okay, now we watch 

The   Camera shows the front desk being normal with Bosip  in the front desk and Ruv restocking the Glue shelf and then it went static.

Bosip:huh, that doesn't happens

Then it went back on again 

Bosip:wait a minute, there's a missing row of spray paint. The security alarm didn't set off either.  Looks like this person is knows the security well

Bob:wander who 

With Ruv and Whitty

As Ruv and Whitty decided  looked at the storage room where everything was.  Ruv looked at the  paint isle  to see if anything is missing. Whitty  decided to look at the brushes. They found nothing but then-

Ruv:why is the invisible ink gone?

Whitty:can you tell me about the invisible ink?

Ruv:the invisible ink is a good product that we use to hide our mistakes but if it's on a living being I dunno if they turn invisible or they be killed or ill.

Whitty:hmm, interesting

Amor:boys, I think we done enough for today. Bosip and Ruv, thank you my dear friends 

Ruv:it was no problem comrade

Bosip:hope you fine what your looking for 

Bob:good day 

As the three (undercover) police men walk out of the store  the three chat it out.

Bob:your friends seems nice Amor 

Amor:okay let's talk about evidence 

Whitty:right, In the storage room the invisible ink was gone, Ruv said that it hide mistake and if they can hide a person, the murder must've rob it.

Bob:true but Bosip said that the security system and cameras weren't triggered so the murder must've been there multiple times 

Amor:looks like we need more evidence so we can figure it out


End of chapter 1


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