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??? Pov

As the police officer saw me on the roof I quickly jumped and landed into the passenger seat where my partner was in the driver's seat.  And we quickly drive.

A few days later

???x2 pov

As I quickly done with the painting,  I saw my favorite luscious person.  He was bout to run but I pinned him. I flirt with and I knew he was flustered. I saw him try to grab his taser but I stopped him and I done a little flirty tone with him.  Then midnight has struck. I was piss but I'll try not to scare my little luscious one. I said I'll be back and hopped on the roof.

As I gotten to the run down building, I saw my partner and our boss herself, the demon. 

The boss:I saw that you got caught.

???x2:sorry boss but he~ keeps finding us and let's just I'll try to get him a wheelchair,  heheheh~

The boss:well at least you got away and their's only ten more to go, it's said on the list.

???:but what about that cop?

???x2:I'll take care of him

The boss:okay, now go before anyone suspects us here

???&???x2:yes ma'am

In the present

Bob's pov

As days go by, I started to get suspicious over how the last killer flirted with me. Does he know me? Or does he just like me...? I haven't been in a relationship before... maybe I'll ask bosip bout it. He's cool and calm. I looked up and I saw the sign of the art store, when I walk in I saw bosip locking the door.


Bosip:oh! Hey Bob,  what is it?

Bob:can I ask you advice...


Bob:okay, so there's this guy who's flirting with me and he's really hot but he's also a bad person,  but then again I dunno that I like him or not.

Bosip:! So you want me to help you choose?

Bob:y-yeah something like that

Bosip:probably talk to him, maybe you'll buck with him.

Bob:o-oh! Thank bos, your the best.  Bai

As Bob ran off, Bosip smiled devilishly.

Bosip:oohhoo~ this will be fun~

End of part 1

Me(behindthe scree):Hoi reader, this buk has 114 reader eyes, temmie flakes to all. So I ask question too you.
Do want smut?
Also, f**k UwU cat, meet 0w0 cat

So please answer question.
Gud bai

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