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Esmee's pov

"Good morning mom," I said sounding not so ready for school

"Morning" she replied asking if Caroline was picking me up.

"Yeah, she should be here in ten minutes"

"Alright, Hunny. I'm leaving for work text me when you get home"

"Okay mom"

After my mom left I grabbed my backpack and turned off the lights and there Caroline was with her new boyfriend "Camryn"

Honestly, I don't even know what she sees in this dude. He's like every other boy on the football team.

Anyway, I got into the car said my hi's then sat on my phone the whole way there while Caroline and Camryn kissed like every five seconds. Gross.

We arrived at school and I went to find my best friend Hannah, we've been best friends since the 1st grade.

I find her in homeroom sitting on her phone and like every year I sat next to her.

We caught up then class started. The day went by slow but in the last period, I got partnered with this hot boy.

He was on the football team but he wasn't like the other guys. He was nice and had respect for girls, unlike the other boys.

I've liked him since 10th grade but never bothered telling him because I thought he had a girlfriend until Caroline told me he didn't.

His name is Asher, he has a twin sister Avery who I have a couple of classes with but we never talked.

I planned on asking Asher for his number after class today. Not gonna lie I was nervous but not because I liked him but because I was scared he'd say no.

After the teacher gave out homework I just asked Asher. I didn't studder or anything.

Surprisingly he gave it to me.

I then met Caroline at the car, she dropped me home but before I got out of the car she pulled my arm and asked if she saw me ask for Asher's number.

I said, "yeah you did." I thought she was gonna be mad but instead, she hugged me, said bye and left.

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