i love you

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Esmee's pov

Before I knew it, it was already Monday. Asher and I slept on the phone together again last night and he said he'd pick me up for school today.

When I woke up he was already up so I said hey we talked for a bit then I went and got dressed.

I made some coffee and ate a banana then asher texted and said he was outside.

He opened the door for me and kissed me.

I then said "how did you sleep last night"

He said "I slept good, how about you"

"I slept amazing, just wished you were next to me"

"You can come over whenever you want, don't forget that. you could've come back when I was done football practice"

"Yeah I know I was just really tired. I have cheerleading practice every day this week so I have like no time to hang out."

"Yeah same, you can come and sleepover tonight if you want though"

"I would love that, just let me know when you get out of practice and I'll come over"


For the rest of the ride, we just talked about other things. when we got there we said bye because we only have lunch and the last period together.

I then went to find Hannah and I filled her in on this weekend. she was so happy for me.

Everything was perfect for me, I had an amazing best friend and a handsome and athletic boyfriend.

I then got a text from my mom.

"Hey Hunny, my job needs me to go to new york to close a deal I should be back late Thursday night. you can stay home by yourself or stay at a friend's, just let me know what you do."

That made me so excited, it would give me a reason to stay at ashers all week. I responded with "okay" and waited till lunch to tell asher.


When I saw asher at lunch I sat with him and told him and he was excited. we ate lunch together then went to class.

Hannah and I walked to the next period together which was English. this teacher was nice, she was funny and always played music after everyone was done their work.

I was finally in the last period, science. today we were seeing if certain liquids fizzed. I was honestly ready for school to be over. thankfully last period went quickly then I got to hang out with my friends at cheer.

Hannah and Caroline are both cheerleaders so I was with them and of course, other girls. after cheer was over Hannah, Caroline, and I went to get ice cream.
Then Caroline dropped me home.

Asher gets out of practice in half an hour so I hurried to take a shower then he picked me up.

"How was practice?" I asked

He said, "It's was good, how bout you?"

"It was pretty good, we practiced some cheers for Friday."

"Mhm, you gonna make me wait to see them?"

"Yeah, you'll just have to wait."

We then got to his house and grabbed some food and we went upstairs into his room.

I was dreading doing homework but I knew if I didn't do it then I'd have to rush to do it before school tomorrow.

So Asher and I quickly did homework. He finished first so then he went to get into the shower and I soon finished my homework.

I then sat on my phone waiting for him to get out. When he got out I said "hey handsome"

"Hey gorgeous, come here," he said

I then got up and he kissed me on the lips and pulled me in.

"I love you," he says

"I love you too"

He smiles and we start to kiss again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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