the weekend

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Ashers pov

I got into the house and went upstairs. I took a quick shower trying to hurry just in case she falls asleep.

I'm dressed and then I call her, she picks up and said "Hey, was waiting for you to call"

"Yeah sorry took a quick shower, and now I have to do homework," I said

"I did mine right after school or else we could have done it together"

"It's fine, Mrs. Hill was tripping today with all this homework"

"Yeah she was it took me at least an hour," she said as she dozed off to sleep.

Once I noticed she was asleep I just put myself on mute, put music on, and finished my homework.


I woke up around 10 and she was still on the phone surprisingly. She woke up right around when I woke up.

When she noticed I was awake the first thing she said was "oh my god did I snore"

"I little", as I let out a laugh.

"I'm so sorry"

"it's fine I promise it didn't bother me, but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out maybe go grab something to eat in a bit."

"Yeah for sure, I can drive if you want?"

"No, I'll drive I'll be there around 12 to get you."

"Okay, see you then."

I then hung up and went to get dressed. before I knew it, it was already 11:50 so I grabbed my phone and keys and left out quickly.

When I pulled up she was already outside. I said "hey pretty girl, how are you"

She said "hey I'm good" and laughed a bit

I asked her, "where do you wanna go?"

She said "there is a good restaurant on parker"

I said, "okay then let's go there."

We then continued to spend the day together after we ate we went to the mall per her request because she needed new shorts.

After we spent a while at the mall it was already 5 pm I asked her if she wanted to come over to my place.

She said "yeah, let me just text my mom real quick"

We went to my house grabbed some soda and snacks and went upstairs into my room.

We watched some Netflix. she chose to watch all three of the fear street movies which had her terrified for half of each movie.

I then noticed the time and asked "do you have to go home?"

"No my mom's is out of town tonight and I don't wanna be home alone," she said.

We spent the rest of the night just chilling then went to sleep beside each other.

We woke up pretty late and I then remember I had football practice at four. luckily it was only one so I stayed laying in bed until she woke up. I let her know that I had practice she said "okay" upset that we couldn't spend the day together again.

So I went downstairs and cooked some eggs since that's pretty much all I knew to cook. after we ate I got showered while she sat and tried to figure out how to play my ps4.

I got dressed and it was already 3:30 so we got in the car I drove her home and I gave her a long kiss and said: "I'll text you after practice."

"Okay bye," she said.

I then went to practice and started to realize how lucky I was. she was gorgeous, and had a Beautiful smile. good grades and everything I wanted in a girl, to say the least.

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