football game

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Esmee's pov

So I guess I forgot to mention that I'm a cheerleader. So I perform every Friday at the football games.

(fast forward to Friday)

Asher and I have been talking a lot since I got his number. It's almost like he has feelings too but I don't wanna assume.

School was over and the football game started in a couple of hours so I went home did my homework quickly, changed then went back to school.

Since it was the first game of the season the game was home. The game starts and the boys come out.

Asher waved at me when coming out.

"Did I just see Asher wave at you?" Caroline asked shocked as if I couldn't even get a boyfriend

"Yeah, I guess you did," I said kinda shocked myself.

It's half time we are winning 21-7. Caroline and I went to get a snack while the bands perform.

I see Asher while walking back and said "hey"

He said, "Hey what's up, wanna walk with me?"

I said sure because we still had another 15 minutes

it was kind of just quiet went we were walking I didn't know what to say and didn't wanna be awkward either

But I broke the silence and said "good game so far" he said "yeah it is, you were looking pretty cute when cheering"

I slightly blushed and said "thanks"

We then had to go back because halftime was right about over.

Before he went back with his team and I went back with the girls he said "wait for me after the game"

I said "yeah of course"

It's the end of the game we won. I was cold and trying to wait for Asher.

Just as I was about to text him and say I was leaving he popped up and said "hey"

I said "hey, I was getting cold I was about to leave"

He then took off his sweatshirt and gave it to me I said "you sure?"

"Yeah of course," he says

We live a block apart from each other so we just walked together.

He could tell I was getting cold and he went ahead and put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him

I looked up at him smiling this time.

We got to the end of the corner where we spilt ways so we could both go home. I was gonna take off his hoodie and give it to him, but before I got the chance he said "No keep it, it's yours now."

"Thank you" I was ready to say bye and go down my street when he pulled my arm and leaned in for a kiss

Of course, I didn't pull away. after a bit, he looked at me and said "I've liked you for a while now."

I could tell he was nervous that I didn't feel the same way so I quickly said "I've liked you ask well for a while now."

We then hugged and he said he'll face time me in a bit.

I walked the rest of the way home thinking about what that met for us.

When I got home I had a snack then went up to my bedroom. I got changed then waiting for him to call.

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