Loss (Fjord X Jester)

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It was an intense battle, they were fighting a giant creature known as Lucien who they used to know as Molly, their very good friend and teammate.

It was going as well as it could be before Lucien suddenly slashes down and impales Jester and her body gets thrown with a few thumps and laid limp on the floor.

"Jester!" Caleb calls which gathers the other's attention and they were shocked at the sight of a limp, pale and bleeding Jester.

Caleb manages to use a spell to teleport her near Caduceus before continuing to battle while Caduceus runs over quickly to Jester with a diamond in hand.

He leans down to her with the diamond in hand and uses his healing magic with the diamond on Jester, trying to revive her, he watches as it turns to dust before disappearing.

He stood up and noticed that it looked like she might of healed but she was still limp and there was no sign of life in her body which worries him.

Caduceus looks over to see that they had finished fighting and managed to defeat Lucien and they are now heading to them, concern on their faces.

"Did you heal her?" Beau asks, hurrying over with the others trailing not far behind, Fjord being right behind her and has almost caught up to her.

"I tried to heal her but something happened or didn't work." Caduceus says and he does a spell to check and see if there is any sign of life or even ability for her to be brought back only to find nothing.

"I'm afraid that it's too late, she's gone.." Caduceus says softly, shocking them all and Beau felt a deep sadness grow in her from the fact that her best friend is now dead.

She feels someone pull her into a hug so she looks up to see that it's Yasha who is now hugging her so she hugs back, being silent from shock and sadness.

Unlike Beau Fjord was now leaned down to Jester, holding her body as some tears went down his face from the shock and sadness of the one he loves being dead.

They made a little grave for her like they once did for Mollymauk and they leave with their hearts broken at the loss of their friend, teammate and family.

They informed her mother only a few days later and she was heartbroken at the fact that her only child is now dead which also hurt them more.

They informed The Gentleman next and he was surprisingly upset at the loss of his daughter who he never really knew but wishes he got to know her more.

The group was never the same after Jester had died, it was like she was the heart of the group, she always cheered them up when she was sad or upset.

The group soon stopped going on adventures, too upset to fight as every fight they couldn't stop thinking of her and seeing her dead on the ground..

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