The Deal (Vex'ahlia)

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It took them by surprise, Vax was down a hole and was being helped up by Grog while she was with Percy trying to figure out what is going on with the armor.

Before Vex even got a chance to stop him Percy was taking off the armor, sending a blast of death energy which Percy was able to avoid but Vex and Trinket weren't so lucky.

Vex had fallen to the ground, completely limp as her life left her body while Trinket was luckily uninjured but was confused and worried about his mother.

Vex slowly sat up to see she was in complete black, confusing and worrying her a little bit as she slowly got up. "Hello? Anyone there? Vax?" She calls but got no answer right away.

When someone did answer she looked to see a tall woman who looks completely black except for the white mask on her face and immediately she tries to get out her bow to find it no longer there.

"Who are you?" She asks in a demanding tone, wanting answers about where she is and what is going on. "I am the Raven Queen and I am here to make a deal with you." She says.

"What deal..?" She asks hesitantly, backing up a bit to avoid the lady in case she tries to do anything to her. "I want to make you my champion." The lady softly says.

"Champion? I..I don't understand." She says softly. "You will dear, you will find ways that will make you understand." She softly says to her.

Vex looks around when she suddenly hear Vax's voice as two doors now appear not too far away from her. "The choice is yours, the black door means you accept my deal and you will go back to your friends." The Raven Queen says.

"The white door means I will be gone forever.." Vex says, knowing what it means and the Raven Queen nods, watching as Vex looks between the two.

"I accept your deal.." Vex says softly, looking at the Raven Queen who reaches a hand out to her which she takes before she is lead to the black door by her.

The next thing she sees is the stone ceiling above her and standing above her is Vax and the others who look very relieved to see her alive and awake.

"What happened?" Vex softly asks them, looking at Vax to see he is crying so she slowly sits up but immediately was hugged by him so she hugged back, still a little bit confused.

"What happened?" She asks softly again, that is then when she is informed by Grog that she had died which surprises her but then the memories come back of her dying and her deal she made.

After that she did notice Vax being more protective of her than before but she kept trying to reassure him that she is fine but to no help since he is stubborn.

She also since began to get dreams about the Raven Queen which helped her understand more about it but what also helped was reading a book she found about her as well.

It wasn't until Grog's death that she was vocal about a pledge with the Raven Queen which surprised them since they didn't know about the first deal.

She made a pledge with the Raven Queen that she would serve her unconditionally and with conviction and a moment later she received a vision so she knows she accepted it.

When Grog woke up she was relieved but she notices the look she is getting from Vax, knowing she is in trouble for not telling him about what she had done involving the Raven Queen.

"Vex, what did you do?" He asks her, making her look at the others as well to see they are all now looking at her as well so she knows she will have to confess.

"When I died in the tomb, I met the Raven Queen and we made a deal, she made me her champion, I just pledged just now that I would serve her." She explains, noticing the expressions on the other's faces.

"Vex what does that mean?" Vax asks her. "I'm not sure yet, all I know is that she is not an evil deity from a book that I had read about her." She says.

They soon walk back home but when she went to her room she couldn't help but notice that there was now a black feather on her pillow on her bed.

She gets ready for bed before going to it and she puts it in her hair between the blue so it makes a lovely black and blue pattern before she goes to bed.

They continued their adventures for a while which went well and she hadn't really heard from the raven queen since then except one vision which explained the future of her employment but they soon had returned to The Platinum Sanctuary in Vasselheim.

It was going fairly well until they notice a black figure with a white mask approach behind Vex, putting their hands on her shoulders which immediately sends chills down her spine, knowing what's happening.

She remembers what the Raven Queen had said to her about her employment and she remembers telling them what she had found out and knew it's her time.

She looks at her friends to see sadness across their faces that they are losing a close friend but Vax's face was hard to read but she can tell he is upset.

She can tell they want to try and fight the Raven Queen but she simply shakes her head to tell them not to, knowing that it won't do anything but hurt them if they try.

She is able to say goodbye to them but she can't help but cry a little when it got to Percy and by the time she got to Vax, she was trying her best not to break into sobs.

"I will miss you brother, take care of Keyleth well." She says softly. "You were my best friend for many years, it will be hard to see you go." He says softly.

They share a hug before she gets one of her blue feathers from her hair, putting it in his hair for him. "To remember me." She says softly.

After that she slowly looks over at the Raven Queen before slowly going to her as the Raven Queen opens her cloak, showing a bright light that Vex slowly goes into.

Once she is in the Raven Queen slowly closes her cloak before soon disappearing which is when Vax lets a fear tear free as he is hugged by Keyleth and he hugs back, needing the comfort..

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