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Ch - 40

"Naaz." A painful scream escapes from sidharth's mouth, his eyes widen the smile that plays on his lips a minute ago is transform by a scariest expression, the heart that was dancing in joy a second earlier is stop beating suddenly.

Shaking his head in disbelief he rushes towards Sana who is lying unconscious on the pull of blood, a crowd is covering her. Pushing everyone aside sidharth thumped near her, he isn't able to believe the scenario in front of his eyes.

His naaz is laying there, her face is full of blood, those eyes in which he wanted to see love is closed. He doesn't even realise the tears drops formed in his eyes until the vision get blur, blinking he looks at her with trembling lips but she is not moving at all.

Again, this is not the way he wants to meet her. At this moment he isn't feeling any kind of emotion, it seems like all feelings, beats everything is soaked by some sudden power and left him with an empty hole inside.
He couldn't even able to hold on his breath.

Wiping the tears away he going to hold her with trembling hands just then someone comes from the front and pick her up in his arms before he could react. With colliding brows, he gets up and moves towards them but the crowd cover him as soon as they recognize the face.

"Sidharth, sidharth...hey see sidharth...!!! "

He tries to push them all, but before he could reach that person leave with naaz in the car. He tried to push the crowd just then druv and others arrive they somehow pull him out of the crowd, sidharth Immediately settled on the driver seat and drive towards the other car's direction.

Sweat bids mix with those teardrops that continuously roll down from his eyes which look dangerously red at this moment, hair is scattered. He is driving in a full speed, all he knows at this moment is to find his naaz.

All keep asking him questions but his ears didn't paying attention to any of them. Vivek shook him from the shoulder, "Please at least tell us sidharth where are you driving like a crazy?"

Wiping the sweat bids using the back of his hand sidharth mumbles on himself, "I need to be with my naaz, he snatched her away but she needs naaz needs me." He keep mumbling those words, leaving them more confused.

They trying to ask but his condition is not looking appropriate,. After few minutes druv found out about some accident in the place they saw sidharth, this information and his situation are enough for all to what the matter is. Druv wasn't able to understand whom he should console, himself or others.

Vivek and asstha both reacting same and sidharth is on some other condition, rubbing his tears away he placed a hand on Vivek's shoulder, "Buddy please control yourself, i can't able to handle all. We need to stay strong for sana."

He nodded and look at sidharth. Soon they reach a hospital, sidharth immediately rushed out of the car without taking care of any parking or off the engine. His eyes seeing nothing but only the bloodied face of her that was laying in front of him and then the beautiful innocent smile she always shows.

He rushes to the counter but words not forming from his mouth, how can he addressed her as a patient who admitted as an accident case. The mere thought of it shook him to the core, his fingers grip on the edges of the counter in order to control his trembling legs.

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