XXVIII. Taking Chances

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Fox Den

“How can you stay at Qing Qiu Dijun?”

“Why not? I can come and go to Nine Heaven and no problem with that, beside I’m not assign for any position at Nine Heaven. My job is easier I can still handle things from here

“I will continue to take a good distance with her Bai Zhi, it’s just I don’t think I can stay far from her”

“No you’re not. Dijun you spend whole your time in solitude, how come she invade your personal life this far?”

“That’s why. You know I spend all my time in loneliness, and now you ask me to hold back when I finally found her”

Bai Yi who once work with Donghua Dijun during ancient war, surprise for how talkative Donghua Dijun now. He speak more than what he say to him in century.

“Please consider it again Bai zhi. You now I mean no harm to little fox”

“You are really amazing when come to strategy not only in battle field but also now. What you say only shocking me further Dijun. Ah no offense please consider as a praise for your shameless”

Dijun just smile a little “It’s just I have never been in love. So when I experience I never know that I can be like this either. You have find your love one long time ago, and you still showing so much affection towards your wife. Why you not giving this old man a change?”

“Oh please Dijun.”

“Oh you lose Bai Zhi. So you shall agree on my term. If she can’t stay at Nine Heaven then you will let me stay here at Qing Qiu”

Dijun make a deathly move at his Go and push Bai Zhi to lose the game. All Bai Zhi can do is just take his deep breath make sure he is not having internal shock.

“What do you say Bai Yi?”

“Let’s Xiao Jiu decide. Father too knows Xiao Jiu it will be useless for us to stop her from seeing Dijun if she wants to. She can break any ward we made for her.”

“Maybe what you say isn’t wrong. I can’t believe this. The oldest daughter will marry the youngest Prince Of Nine Heaven while the youngest Qing Qiu princess will marry the oldest God in history. It sure will make the Family tree in chaos and not only Qing Qiu this will be the shocking news I ever heard as long as my life”

Donghua Dijun just smile at them both and release a soft breath knowing he had win the game

Fengjiu come not long after and tell them that the dinner is ready, when she come in she can feel the room tension is high everyone seem alert and she know what happen, Purple God must have tell her grandpa his intention and she feel somehow blushing and can’t stay longer at the room and hurry rush to find her aunty and Crown Prince Ye hua.

Fox Dinner

The dinner went very nice, from his chair Bai Zhi Dijun see all of them gathering. What off is only Donghua Dijun proposal that make him seems lost in his mind? But Donghua Dijun proposal will make Qing Qiu under greatest protection in the realm. He couldn’t be more proud. His daughter will soon to be Tian Hou and his granddaughter will soon to be Di hou. If this wasn’t bless that what would be.

At his view he can see how Feng Jiu treat Donghua Dijun, and he can see how Donghua Dijun treat Feng Jiu. Never in his existence see Donghua Dijun show other the affection he show to Feng Jiu. He will be dumb if he can’t see how he love her.

When he take a deep breath, his Empress see him look so lost, and ask him in silent

“Bai Zhi what is your problem, you seem so burden. Is it something bad happen?”

“You will take the deep breath too if I tell you what Donghua Dijun just ask me”

“Oh, what is it?”

Bai Zhi slowly tell her that Donghua Dijun ask Fengjiu hand in marriage, and she just drop the spoon along with the food on her plate and startled all around the room with the sound of the broken plate.

Bai Zhi in one swash gathers all the shattered plate and dismiss and Migu in no time place new plate and spoon on her table.

“Are you okay mother?” Bai Qian ask in worry

“em. I’m okay, it’s alright” she smile at Bai Qian and then her eyes fall to Feng Jiu in hundred question look, which Feng Jiu in hurry look down the table to avoid the question face”

When the dinner end and all still sit, Bai Zhi then share the news with everyone.

“Well I have some news to share. I just receive wedding proposal for Bai Feng Jiu”

“Father” Bai Qian suddenly stands up

But Bai Zhi just lower her hand shows her to sit back and so she did while Ye hua grab her hand to calm her.

“Easy Qian Qian”

“She is still a kid how they can force her to marriage life”

“She is not a kid anymore, can’t you see it”

“She wills forever a kid in my eyes”

“Easy just listen first “ he grab her hand and stroking her hand slowly to calm her

Bai Zhi continue and all people at the room is silent to hear the information “Donghua Dijun have just ask hand in marriage for our precious princess Bai Feng Jiu”

“what?!” All eyes at the room eyeing on them, while Donghua Dijun show his expressionless, feng jiu couldn’t lift her head to seeing their stare. Donghua Dijun calmly picks his tea and drinks it.

“Father.. , Brother Do you know this too?” Bai Qian asks in hurry.

“We have discuss this matter earlier today”

“Xiao Jiu” her grandfather point at her make her lift her head towards him “I can accept Donghua Dijun proposal, but in return I want you to come back to stay at Qing Qiu before the wedding ceremony”

“Grandpa” this time Fengjiu who the one jump from the sit.

“But Dijun disagree with this. Xiao Jiu before the wedding day it’s will be words that spread at Nine Heaven. They are different from us, here you can be at ease since this is your home, but Nine Heaven is different. They spread rumors like no days.”

Fengjiu look at Donghua Dijun who speaks none at this.

“Further Donghua Dijun claim he doesn’t want to leave at different place with you. And since I allowed Crown Prince Ye hua to stay at Qing Qiu he too wants to stay here”

“Hah?” all people around the room can’t hide their shocking face. Never they imagine those kind of words can be speak through Donghua Dijun.

“I can’t decide, so you decide your self Xiao Jiu. We will support your decision.”

“I .. I..  moment grandfather, Purple God can we have talk “

“Sure” They walk away from the room to outside of the den.

“Look what have you done Purple God. You make my whole family in chaos”

“They  were just being exaggerated. Nothing special with the request. Since your grandfather said you can’t stay at Nine Heaven so I just offering to stay here instead. Beside Fu ren how can you tell me to stay a part thousands of years, I can’t do that can you?” He get his face closer to her

“Now what? Isn’t Crown Prince will be staying here as well. We don’t have enough room already.”

“That’s not a problem. I can stay at your room. We can share bed I don’t mind sharing with you”

“Don’t joking around. You know very well my grandfather won’t allow that”

He just takes her to his embrace “You don’t need to worry so much, let me handle this thing. You just need to say yes to your grandfather. I will take care the rest. Alright? “

“Alright” she hugs Donghua Dijun tighter and cover her face at his shoulder.

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