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The next day the Inner Circle returns and they host a reception.

Hours before they arrive, the other maids and I prepare the dining room. We place dish after dish of rich, delicious food across the dining table and fill golden glasses to the rim. I hold a stool as another maid lights the floating lanterns. A soft radiance beams through the spacious room, creating a dreamy ambience.

Although my body aches as I work, I can't help but feel a nervous rush of anticipation as I ready the townhouse. I haven't seen Cassian since the conundrum of a supper a week ago. Truthfully, I am excited.

I even startle and drop a plate of rice when I hear the unmistakable whoosh of wings outside.

I, along with a cluster of other maids, wait along the skirtings of the large dining room as the Inner Circle enters. They have a few straggler faes in toe. They are in good spirits and chatter fills the room as they start to feast on the dinner and drinks.

"Oh to be one of them, " a petite, new maid whispers from beside me. Her eyes fill with adoration as she watches Mor snatch a glass of wine out of Azriel's hands. Mor chuckles in delight as Azriel narrows his eyes at her, his lips tilted up in a shy smile.

"Yes, " I murmur, my eyes on one fae only, "To be one of them, "

As if he can sense it, Cassian raises his head and his eyes meet mine. He stands next to Rhysand, smiling at something the High Lord has said, but his smile lowers as he looks at me. He stands straighter and murmurs a reply to Rhysand, his eyes still on me.

He looks handsome but gaunt. He is still dressed in his Illyrian leathers. I can tell by the way he pulls his wings in tight, that something has happened. I give him my most immeasurable smile. I hope that I can fix the tension in his face and the tension that still hovers between us.

Cassian says something curt to Rhysand before placing his glass down and stalking toward me. His brown eyes narrow. He is mad. Oh no. Did I stare too long?

"Good evening Lord Cassian," the maid beside me starts cheerily. Cassian cuts off her sweet words with a raise of his hand.

"Persephone, I need to talk to you, " Cassian looks down at the maid before looking back at me, "In private."

Before I can agree, Cassian grabs my forearm tightly. As he drags me out of the dining room, I catch Taryn and Donna shooting daggers at me. I can still feel their stares as Cassian drags me down the hallway. He opens a door and shoves me inside the room.

It seals behind him, slamming so hard I flinch.

I stumble to steady my balance and brush my hair out of my face. I send a stream of swears and curses at the ever-moody Illyrian, what have I done this time? I look around the room. A mess of armour sits beside me on the floor and I realize Cassian has taken me into his bedroom.

Oh, I realise, this is what this fuss is about. He missed me and he needs my body.

I cement a smirk on my lips. Blessing the cauldron that I painted them rose red for tonight, I saunter over to my Illyrian. He's always so needy, the way I love him.

"You could have asked nicely Cassian," I scold as I reach him.

My hands instinctively go up for his belt and my fingers make quick work of it. I look up through my eyelashes at him and as I do, I stiffen. My hands fall to my sides as if they froze as I behold the look on his face.

Cassian looks down at me, his face contorted into an expression of such rage that I take a few steps away in fear. His eyes, usually so playful, are as dark as an abyss. His mouth pulls into a taut line.

A Court of Curse and Roses; acotarWhere stories live. Discover now