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Word Count|1126

(A/N I'm proud to say that I drew the photo up there UwU)

"Kacchan! You're the coolest! When we're pro hero's let's work together, we'll be the number 1 team!" Kid Izuku exclaims. 

"Yeah yeah Deku, we'll be the best team for sure, but I'll still always be better than you." Kid Katsuki exclaims. 


Kid Izuku on the ground, "Kacchan, I don't have a quirk." Kid Izuku sobbed. Kid Katsuki was shocked. 


"You'll never be a hero Deku." Young Katsuki growled in a menacing way. Young Izuku trembled. "I-I-I can be the first one" His teeth chattering from fear. 

Young Katsuki laughs and activates his quirk and claps his hands, making an explosion, "You don't stand a chance Deku." 

Katsuki's friend joined in. "Yeahhhhh, De-ku." He held the "Deku" a few seconds longer. Katsuki looked back at his friend. "Shut up." He growled. 


"You're shaking in your boots Deku." Katsuki growled, preparing to fight. 

Izuku was shaking, but put on a fighting stance, "You can call me Deku, but I'm not the same useless Deku I was before!" 



Katsuki woke up in his dorm room with a start, "Wtf, why am I dreaming of that at a time like this?" He checked his alarm clock. It was 4 in the morning. An hour earlier than he usually wakes. 

He tried going back to sleep, but was unable to. 

"Just some first day jitters." 

He unlocked his dorm, and went to the common room. The air was frigged and cool for an Autumn morning. He walked around, watching the morning sky which was still dark. 

He recalled his dream. "How dumb." He muttered and went back to his dorm. 

He brushed his teeth and put on some jogging clothes. 

He had sweatpants on and a thin sweater. He drank a glass of water before leaving. He locked his dorm, and went for his jog an hour too early. When he got back, it was 5:30 in the morning. 

Iida had just woken up and was surprised to see Katsuki in the common area. He had just came back from his jog. 

"Oh, Bakugou, it's a great example of you to wake up so early in the morning. Though I wonder why you're always late." Iida exclaimed as he hand chopped the air. 

"Shut up four eyes, it's too early in the morning for this shit." Katsuki snarled and headed back to his room leaving a stunned Class Rep. 

He got to his dorm and went to sleep. 

On one of the lower floors of the dormitory...

It's 6:30, and Izuku had just gotten up. He stretched his arms in the air and opened the window. He let the Autumn breeze hit his face and closed it again after getting cold. 

He got his toothbrush and started brushing his teeth, as he brushes, he walked around his room, preparing his uniform and bag. 

He was still missing summer break, but he was happy he survived(like literally, he survived, not in the mental sense, but in the life and death sense) the first year of high school. 

The second year was just beginning. 

He finished brushing his teeth and wandered around the halls of the dormitory for a bit. 

He passed by Aoyama who asked him if he wanted cheese. He politely declined. He then saw Todoroki. "Good morning Todoroki." He smiled. Todoroki slightly blushed and returned the greeting. 

Izuku went down to the first floor where the common area was. He saw Iida reading a book, he also saw Momo eating a cake and drinking tea. 

That wasn't a shocker. 

The thing that shocked him was that Katsuki was there as well, he was sitting on the couch in sweat pants and a black t-shirt that showed off his shoulder muscles. 

"G-g good morning Kacchan." Izuku stuttered, a little bit of blush spreading on his face. Katsuki looked up at Izuku with his ruby eyes and nodded. 

Izuku then went to the big fridge they had at the kitchen and pulled a box with his name labelled on it. 

That would be his breakfast. 

They all got to class, and for the first time in a long time, Katsuki wasn't late. They were now second years, and training would be tougher now. 

Aizawaw sensei being as strict as ever made everyone do a quirk assessment again like they did the previous years. 

The people that have increased their skills the most were Izuku, Katsuki and Todoroki. 

"Deku! You were amazing out there!" Uraraka beamed at him. He smiled back. "You did great too Uraraka." 

The day had ended and everyone was dismissed to go back to their dorms. 

Back at Katsuki's dorm that night...

Katsuki  had just gotten back from Kaminari's dorm. The Bakusquad insisted on him coming over the hangout, so what choice did he have? 

He took a shower and and prepared to sleep. 

"I couldn't just stand there and watch you die." Young Izuku cried as he clawed at the sludge villain's body. 


"KACCHAN!" Izuku yelled out as he reached for the portal, his arms brutally messed up and broken. 


"Now, it's your turn." All Might pointed through the camera. Katsuki looked beside him to see a crying Izuku.  


"I caused the fall of All Might!" Katsuki sobbed and charged at Izuku. Izuku fought back. "It wasn't your fault Kacchan." Izuku fought back. 

Awhile after their fight, All Might came and comforted them both, mostly Katsuki though. 


"Kacchan, I have One For All." 


"K-k-kacchan, I um..." Deku pointed his index fingers together as he looked away from Bakugou, blush visible all over his face. "Spit it out shit nerd." Bakugou frowned at him. 

"Well." Deku paused and took a big breathe. "Kacchan I like you!" 

Katsuki  woke up huffing and puffing. His face was red from embarrassment. "The fuck was that last dream?" He looked down at his pants and sighed in frustration. 

Not caring about the time, he opened his balcony door and yelled out in frustration. "DEKUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" After, he took a cold shower to calm down. 

That last dream never even happened, the fuck is wrong with me? He thought. 

Once he finished his shower, he heard a knock on his door, he put on his shirt and pants and opened the door. 

A very sleepy Kirishima was there holding a pillow in his arms. 

"Bakubro, please, I'm begging you, quiet down so that I can sleep." Kirishima started snoring. 

"Yeah, yeah, go back to your dorm before you drop dead and sleep on the floor." Katsuki shooed Kirishima away and closed the door. 

He tried to get some sleep. 

But every time, more dreams popped up. 

That's all, stay safe and bbye. 

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