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Chapter 6 London

September 1934

On arrival in London, Emily and Walter booked into a hotel in Russell Square and set about finding digs which they could afford. Emily pleaded: 'Choking fog like this where one cannot even see the other side of the road is no place for a baby and we are both trying for a baby aren't we? I would much prefer to live in the suburbs and enjoy fresh air and life at a more leisurely pace.' Her husband appeared to treat her views on the subject as important and she hummed a happy little tune to herself at the thought that she might escape from living in the city after all.

She missed the sunshine of California; London seemed cold and grey in comparison. However, she shared Walter's excitement about his interview with Lloyds Bank now arranged for the following Wednesday. If he received a decent offer, they would be able to build a nest egg and hopefully start a family - her next dream.

When he returned from the interview, she could see from his crestfallen expression that he felt disappointed. 'The two bankers who saw me made it very clear that they were not interested in the workings of US banks.'

Her joy at seeing him subsided; had he wasted his time in America? 'I'm really sorry that your interview turned out to be so disappointing but why did they want to see you?' she enquired as she hugged and kissed him.

'Oh, they did offer me a job in the end!' he smiled. 'Apparently, the Chief Executive liked my article on executor and trustee departments. They think the concept might work here and I've been offered a job in the new department being set up in order to give the bank the benefit of my experience of the difficulties which arise in practice. The salary that comes with the position is materially higher than I expected. I had hoped they would take me on as a trainee banker but when I suggested the idea they declined point blank. We need the money so I swallowed my pride and accepted.'

Emily gave him a big hug: 'It may not be the job of your dreams, but it's a good start. Think what we can do with the money! Now we can afford to rent a house of our very own and start a family. Surely that's as important to you as it is to me?'

She glowed with happiness when Walter kissed her: 'Let's celebrate!' he exclaimed. That evening, they drank a bottle of their favourite Chardonnay and began to plan where to set up home together.

In the Evening News, an article had been published about suburbs being developed around railway stations which provided a frequent service into London for commuters. 'Newly-built semi-detached mock Tudor houses available to rent in Petts Wood are just the sort of thing we want, they are advertised as first homes for newly-married couples,' he suggested.


Full of enthusiasm, the very next day they travelled by train to reconnoitre Petts Wood in the sunshine and discovered a huge building site spreading out from the station square. The square itself, with its shops and restaurants, and early phases of the development had already been completed but work continued apace on yet more houses. Woodland surrounded the attractive location, giving the illusion of being deep in the Kent countryside but close enough to London to be commutable.

Having trudged around several properties, both of them particularly favoured a semi-detached house centrally located in Fairway, just a few minutes' walk to the railway station in one direction and a cinema in the other. Apart from three good sized bedrooms, the property boasted a spacious living room, separate dining room and modern kitchen and bathroom.

Emily told Walter: 'The lawn at the back is perfect for a baby; this could be the house of my dreams. I'll make floral curtains for the lounge windows on a sewing machine. One of the bedrooms can be your study and another for the baby!' She hugged herself with excitement; the house seemed to be everything she had dreamed about and more.

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