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The Girl Who Disappeared

A fact based historical novel

By James Lingard

Copyright © 2020 James Lingard

The author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior consent of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form.

ISBN: 9781913136765

What Others are saying about The Girl Who Disappeared

'Wow! What a good book' (Goodreads reviewer)

'James brought their lives to life' (Library Thing reviewer)

'A beautiful historical blend of fact and fiction. This book was an emotional read for me. 5stars.' (Readers Favorite)

'Engaging, Realistic Historical Fiction' (E.B. Roshan)

'Very enjoyable' (Grace J Reviewerlady's review in Goodreads)

'very well-defined, and at times frightening view of life in Britain during World War II' (Martin Dolan)

'very easy rating of 5 stars' (Tony Parsons Washburn; MSW Amazon reviewer)

'What a wonderful novel! The Girl Who Disappeared is everything I love!' (Jenna Soliani It's a Military Life)

'It's very interesting and is intense taking me longer to read but it's so overwhelming also empowering you wrote this with such empathy.' (Lady Kendall Jagger)

'I enjoyed this book. It was a fast read. I was transported back in time.' (Reviewed by Cherylk, a Library Thing customer)

Fuller reviews are available at


Chapter 1-Confrontation

Chapter 2-Trouble

Chapter 3-Eloping

Chapter 4-Honeymoon

Chapter 5-America

Chapter 6-London

Chapter 7-TheStormBreaks

Chapter 8-DangerStrikes

Chapter 9-BesidetheSea

Chapter 10-Evacuation

Chapter 11-FarmLife

Chapter 12-WhoDares

Chapter 13-AChangingWorld

Chapter 14-Manchester

Chapter 15-Separation

Chapter 16-PeaceatLast

Chapter 17-DulwichCollege

Chapter 18-Keighley

Chapter 19-Chislehurst

Chapter 20-ASecondHoneymoon

Epilogue: Britain Pre and Post the Second World War

About the Author

Chapter 1 Confrontation

September 1933 Halifax Yorkshire

When the Norton motorbike skidded to a halt on the wet cobbles, Emily, an attractive brunette, sat glued to her seat behind the driver and glared at the detached millstone house outside which they were parked. She felt fearful, dreading the consequences of confronting her father with a decision she knew he would never approve.

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