Part 4 : Become his boyfriend

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She answered the phone, ' Hello..? ^_^ '.

' Hai..It's me Yonghwa.Did you feel okay right now? ',he worried.

' Yeah..I'm okay.Maybe the next morning I can walk pretty well.^_< ',she feel happy that Yonghwa is worried about her condition.

' Well,can we meet tomorrow at Namsan Tower ?',he asked.

' Why you want to meet me tomorrow..? ',she curious.

' I just want to hang out with you ^_< ',he answered.

' Emmm..ok.^_^' ,she feel excited to meet him.

' See you tomorrow ok..Annyeong ',he said.

' Ne~ annyeong..',she answered.

She put down her phone on the table and screaming.Then,she close her mouth with her both hand.

She feel very happy because Yonghwa wants to meet her.

Nana call her assistant to take her to Namsan Tower tomorrow.

The next day,she wake up early.Nana get up from the bed.She take the towel and take a shower.She open her closet and choose the right dress to meet Yonghwa at Namsan Tower.She choose a short pink dress,using an eye liner with a brown eye shadow.She use a pink lip stick and using a small diamond earing on her ears.

Nana go to the downstair to have some breakfast before she go.

She open her shoes closet and wearing a white high heels.Then,she open the door and go towards the van.Park Gong Sik get out from the van and open the door van for her.

' Annyeonghaseyo Nana~sshi,how are you? ' he greeting.

' Oh~ annyeonghaseyo.I'm fine thank you ,' she answered.

Park Gong Sik close the van door and start the engine.He began to drive heading to Namsan Tower.

After a few hours on the way to Namsan Tower,they already arrived.

Park Gong Sik open the door van for Nana.

' Kamsahamnida ',she said.

' Ne~ ',he answered.

' Park Gong Sik,today,you can go anywhere you want because I'm going to spent my day with someone at Namsan Tower.You don't have to pick up me up cause he will take me home later but please don't tell manager I'm going out with someone ;-) ok ',she said.

' Ne~algesseubnida Nana~sshi ,'he answered.

Nana going inside the cable car to go to the Namsan tower.When she in the cable car,the people around her looking at her because she is an actress.She walk out from the cable car and start to looking for Yonghwa.

Nana can't find Yonghwa in everywhere.Suddenly,two hands cover her eyes.She can't see who  cover her eyes.

Then,the one that cover her eyes whisper to her ear.

' I'm here.Are you looking for me? ',Yonghwa said.

Yonghwa put down his hands and Nana turn around looking who is the guy that cover her eyes.Their eyes meet each other.

' Yonghwa? ',she smiling.

'OMG,he looks so handsome wearing that sun glasses ',she thought to herself.

' Yess..It's me.You surprise to see me looks so handsome today? ',he smiling.

Nana blushes and chuckled.

' What ? No...I mean yess ^_^..',she began to feel shy.

' I know you will say that ^_< ',he said.

' Let's go to that small shop',he said.

Yonghwa start to hold her hand for the first time heading towards the small shop.Nana feel very shocked that Yonghwa is holding her hand.In that shop,there are a lot of chains sell in that shop.Yonghwa start to choose a chain and pay that chain at the counter.

' Let's go to that corner ',he said.

Yonghwa start to take a deep breath in.And staring at Nana eyes.

' I love you Nana.Start from today.Will you be my girlfriend

' 0_0 OMG,are you serious? ',she surprise that Yonghwa wants her to be his girlfriend.

' Yess I'm serious.When a boy says I love you to someone that he really loves.He mean it.We will built a new chapter of our love story and a wonderful memory that you won't forget.One two three.In just three seconds,I fell in love with you when we were at Nami Island,he said sincerly to Nana.

Nana began to smile towards Yonghwa.

' I do.I'm also fell in love with you when we were at Nami Island ',she smiling.

Yonghwa smiling again.

' I know you will fall in love with me because I'm so handsome right? ',he said.

' What? You are so naughty ^_< ',she said.

' This chain will be locked at here as a symbol we become a couple today and fell in love with each other ',he said.

' Let's take a walk around this Namsan Tower and take a picture as memory you and I ',he said.

' Let's go ',she answered.


I'm so sorry because I'm make you all waiting for the new chapter..I'm so busy with my study.I hope you enjoy this new chapter.

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