Chapter 4

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Cleo's POV:

When we arrived at the school I started getting even more nervous. I haven''t been here in such a long time, granted no one will remember me since we were so young anyways, but I really hated being the new girl. Parking my car, I realized everyone was staring at my car. I got out and everyone started staring even more. Oh great I thought. What I really wanted the most was having everyone staring at me. Jace came over and smiled at me. "Cleo I can take you to the office but I have a football meeting this morning that is mandatory. I am really sorry." I smiled back at him.  " It's alright Jace really I can find my way to the office, you go to your meeting and I will meet up with you later." I gave him a hug and walked into the school, However the last thing I saw was a girl running at Jace and kissing him. Oh great he had a girlfriend. I guess I should have realized this, he was hot. Walking down the hallways, I got a lot of wolf whistles which only made me walk more confidently. Its not like I am a slut or anything, it's  just I like knowing people don't find me ugly. After a few minutes I finally found the office, I walked in and went up to the secetary. "Hello Dear, How may I help you?" she said smiling at me. "Yes, I am Cleo Summers, I am new here." She smiled and got the things I needed. Looking at my schedule I was actually really pleased with it. My schedule looked like this:

Pd 1:  Honors Statistics 

Pd 2: Honors Pyschology

Pd 3: Chior

Pd 4: Honors English

Pd 5: Lunch

Pd 6: Free period

Pd 7: Honors Chemistry

Pd 8: Honors Spanish 

I started finding my way to my statistics class very happy. I wasn't excatly a nerd in school, but I was really good in my classes. When I found the room I took a deep breath and walked in. Everyone looked up at me, since I was late to the room. Again I was nervous because I was getting tired of having people staring at me. The teacher walked up to me. "Hi, you must be Cleo, I am Mr. Winters and I will be your teacher for this year." I smiled. "Hello" I said. "Please have a sit next to Kayla." Mr. Winters said to me returning to the front of the class. Looking around I saw a girl raise her hand and pointed to an empty seat next to her. I walked over to the seat and sat down. "Hey I am Kayla, did you really come from Australia and show up at school with Jace Daniels?" She said with wide eyes. I smiled and looked over at her. "Hey, I am  Cleo. I did come from Australia, and yeah Jace was my best friend back when we were kids." Her eyes widened even bigger. "Wait no way. Your the Cleo?!" I frowned. "What do you mean I am the Cleo?" I was confused at this, which Kayla realized because she laughed. "Jace kept telling everyone about his friend named Cleo, in fact for a while he wouldn't date anyone because he was always thinking she will come back." I gasped. Jace liked me, I couldn't believe it. Well he did like me, I just lost my chance. "Who is he dating now?" I asked curious about who the girl was. "Oh thats Mia, shes the head cheerleader of this school." I frowned at this. If Mia was anything like the other head cheerleaders I met at my other schools, I had a feeling I wouldn't like her. I also had a feeling me and Kayla were going to be great friends. We had a lot of classes together. When class ended she waited for me and walked me to our next class which Jace had with us. When I walked in Jace waved me over to sit next to him. I walked over and sat next to him. "Hey Cleo, how was first period?" He asked giving me a huge smile. I shrugged and turned back to talk to Kayla. There was no way I was going to talk to him after he kissed me knowing he had a girlfriend. Granted I had no idea that he had one, but he still shouldn't have kissed me. "Cleo, whats wrong?" Jace asked me kinda worried. I just ignored him and took out my notebook to take notes. After a few minutes I saw a piece of paper on my desk. I picked it up and walked over to the trash. I knew it was from Jace and didn't want to hear what he was trying to tell me. When the bell rung I quickly got up and grabbed my things. As soon as I got out the door I felt someone grab my arm. "Cleo, wait up. What is the matter?" I turned out and slapped him in the face. "Don't you dare touch me ever again Jace!" He frowned. "What did I do Cleo?" I sighed and pulled my arm away from him. "You kissed me when you knew you had a girlfriend Jace, how could you do that to me?!" He looked away and that gave me my answer. He wasn't planning on telling me about her. I sighed again, however this time I walked away from him leaving him standing in the middle of the hallway by himself. I couldn't believe he would do this to me. I haven't even been back for 24 hours and he already was a jerk. This was not my best friend that I remembered. The rest of my day went even worse. At lunch I ran into Mia and she completely flipped out on me about coming in with Jace. However Jace stood up for me. Which honestly was nice but it didn't change the fact that I was still mad at him. After lunch things went pretty smoothly but I was still ticked about the events that happened already. When the final bell rung I was happy to just get into my car and head home. I was happy because Jace had to stay after for football so I could blast my music. When I arrived at my house which my mom gave me the address I was shocked. The house in front of me was the house that I grew up in when I was younger. Parking my car I got out and went into the kitchen. My mom was sitting at the table, she saw me and smiled. "Hey sweety, how was school?" I sighed and told her everything that happened except for what happened between me and Jace. She gave me a hug and told me that I should just ignore Mia. I hugged her back and told her I would be in my room completely my homework. I was really happy to hear that I got my back my old room. I kinda mssed it actually. After completing my homework I climbed into my bed and fell asleep. 


A/N Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been on in a LONG time. I was actually really busy, but I am back and planning on uploading more frequently. Remember to read and vote on this story. Also if you want me to dedicate a chapter to you comment on the story and you might even get a chance to get your very own character in it. I love you guys and i hope you love this story!

Love ya


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