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Predaking was well known and respected throughout the entire Deception armada. He was strong, determined, smart, and screamed powerful. The leader of the predacons, the biggest specimen and genetically designed to be the best of the best. He was a well trained fighter and extremely capable of taking on anyone who dared posing a threat. Not only that, he was loyal to Lord Megatron and his crazed scientist Shockwave. They might've been able to command him, but there was only one who really had control over him. Only one who influenced his decisions, kept him in check when he was overwhelmed, and trusted him with all their heart. This being wasn't a Cybertronian by any means. No, they were a human being, one who was captured by Knockout the medic on a recon mission. Y/n L/n was their designation, and from his first glance, Predaking was enamored. How such a small, defenseless creature could hold such control over him was beyond anyone's imagination. But all Predaking cared about was making sure Y/n was safe and respected (and maybe showing off when he could to try and impress them). So he was always quick to dispute any backwards talk about them.


"I can't believe Lord Megatron let such a weak being on the nemesis."

"You better watch your denta, vehicon, or I'll crush you into pieces so tiny Knockout won't be able to put you back together."

"Y-yes Predaking."


denta is tongue right? i think so :)
anyways imagine having predaking as your soul protector... wow
yes, i fangirl over him no need to make fun of me >:C

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