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You feel embarrassed due to how you picked a book that you don't enjoy reading and sitting alone in a corner away from Rene and his fangirls.

But your embarrassment suddenly turns into shock when your mother sits beside you with a few books in her hands.

"You didn't have to carry about me, you should enjoy yourself with your friend, mom" you utter out.

Celeste shook her head and wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to her.

"I only enjoy myself when I'm around you, sweetheart" her words made you smile.

At the orphanage, nobody cared to comfort your sadness, which made you appreciate Celeste's sweet attitude.

Even if she is a cannibalistic vampire.

It is not like you are her prey.

"You know (Y/n), my adoptive parents never liked me" she starts as she opens one of the books.


"Because my dear mother always thought I was never good enough" you let out a sigh.

"But they are not your real parents, so you shouldn't feel that sad, right" Celeste chuckles at you.

"Yes, but they raised me since I was a baby, so why not love me if they took me away from my real family"

You look at your mother with sympathy, before leaning on her shoulder.

"I got my revenge by killing her and my father"

The warmth is quickly ruined when you hear her reveal that to you, you pull away from her.

You know that it is a crime in the vampire world to kill other vampires, the fact that Celeste is expressing this is dangerous.

Since vampires have high hearing senses.

As if the vampire woman has read your thoughts, she chuckles at you.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, everyone knows that I have killed my parents, it is no secret" your brows furrow in confusion.

"But isn't this a crime?" she shrugs.

"Not if your husband is a vampire general, sweetie" you sigh.

"Well, it seems like dear dad isn't a cold-hearted vampire after all" you mumble.

Celeste hears you and pinches your arm causing you to let out a whine of pain.

"You are not allowed to speak about your father like that, young lady"


As you and your mother were about to leave the place, Rene stops you in your tracks by calling out your name.

"Wait, (Y/n)"

You look at Rene as he walks towards you holding a book.

"I hope that you like this book, I picked it out for you" you smile as you take the book from him.

"Thank you-" your mother cuts off the sweet moment by snatching the book away from you.

She opens the front page to see a written down number on it.

"Old fashioned like your mother, aren't you, Sage"

The fake smile on your mother's face made you and Rene feel uncomfortable.

Celeste shoves the book back to the young boy.

"Next time I see you anywhere near my daughter, I will skin you alive"

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