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"Excuse me, what do you mean by (Y/n) is your descendant? You were married and had a child?"

Celeste is shocked at her husband's confession about being married before and having his own family.

"Yes, there were others before you. do you hate (Y/n)?" Achilles says, smirking at his wife.

"I will always love (Y/n) no matter what!"  Celeste exclaims as if her husband insulted her.

Celeste can't help but feel jealous of Achilles; she wishes you were blood-related to her instead of him. 

"So, how will you get (Y/n) back?"  Celeste changes the subject, focusing on your safe return plan.

"Don't worry; I know exactly where I can find Adam."

"And what are you going to do about him? Are you going to kill your blood?"

Celeste stares at the vampire general with anticipation while he shrugs.

"If he doesn't comply, I will have to kill him," Achilles replies, unsure about his intentions.

After all, he once considered your father his son and tried to raise him like one before he escaped and decided to conspire against the vampires.

But... you could only have one father in your life, and that is him, not Adam.


"Rene?" you inquire in shock as your familiar classmate walks into the living room, followed by your father.

"Hey, I just came to check on you; hope I'm not intruding,"  he says, sitting beside you on the sofa.

"I'm happy that you finally reunited with your father and saw the true nature of vampires and that they can't be parents."

You raise an eyebrow at Rene, who takes your hands into his, a smile adoring his face.

"I still want to go back to Celeste." Rene frowns in disgust.

"You are unbelievable. Do you know how many of us would kill to be reunited with our birth father or mother?" 

Adam removes Rene's hands away from yours before getting on the sofa between the both of you.

"You can tell her that, but with a much more polite tone," Adam states with a scolding undertone.

"Achilles would have killed him for speaking to me like that-"

You stop speaking upon realizing your mistake and noticing the glare given to you by the vampire hunter's leader.

"And they brainwashed her into believing they are good, excellent, " Rene speaks out.

"On that, I agree with you, manipulative vampires, but she is also stupid; no wonder why she falls for that." 

You huff at your father.

"You are acting like Achilles is not your ancestor." you point out.

But your words are followed by a deadly silence.

"The vampire general is your ancestor!" 

At that moment...

...realization hit you that Adam never told others about that.

"(Y/n)," Adam growls at you.

"What? You shouldn't have called me stupid"

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