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Five Years Later

Reese POV

" Nari come and eat ". I say.

My beautiful baby girl walked in the kitchen looking like her daddy. I know you're probably thinking what the hell, that was my same reaction. When I found out I was pregnant with Nari. I had no idea what to do.

" I made your favorite ". I said. She sat down at the island and started eating.

" Thanks mommy". She asked.

The front door opened and it was miss Royalty. She's been around a lot lately she has a whole apartment but she's been spending nights here with Nari and I.

" SISSY ". Nari yelled.

" Is that my favorite little sister ". Royalty say smiling. I love their bond so much. Royalty is the best big sister to Nari she takes Nari everywhere. Not to mention she's spoiled as hell.

" Hey Ro ". I said.

" Hey ".

" What are you doing here ". I asked.

" I stopped by to get something to eat ". She say looking in the pots.

" Girl go wash yo hands ". I said.

" It smells amazing ". She say washing her hands. I grabbed her a plate and fixed her some food for her.

" Did my dad call ". She asked.

" Nope ".

It's been five years since Chris been locked up. Not going to lie it's been the hardest five years without him. It's not even close for his release. We haven't been getting along since he left. Our calls are only about Nari, he doesn't ask how I'm feeling or anything. The connection isn't there anymore but I make sure he's good because he did leave me with his money so that's the least I can do.

" He said he would call me but he never did ". She say.

" I'm pretty sure he'll call ". I said.

" I was going to take Nari to go see him when I go next week ". She say smiling.

" I want to go see daddy ". Nari say cheesing.

I made sure she knew who her dad was. I showed her pictures of Chris and made sure she knew that was her dad.

" Will they let you ". I asked.

" I'm pretty sure yeah she's a my sister but I do know minors need a birth certificate ".

" Yeah of course just let me know the day and I'll get everything ready ". I say

This would be the first time Nari sees Chris in person and I know he'll be excited to see her.


I decided I needed a break from being mama and get a few drinks with Chloe and Nia.

" How's mama life treating you ". I asked Chloe. She and Q just had there baby boy about a week ago. I'm so happy for her and everything.

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