Chapter nine | Someones got a crush

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It is now Friday morning, school was fine on Wednesday and yesterday. Calvin and his friends just snickered at me when I walked by and i just ignored him.

His loss.

Jackson hasn't been at school for the past two days because of his incident and I think Maya stayed off too because I haven't seen her around school. She must be keeping him company or something.

Not my problem.
Maybe it is..shut up.

Today is the day of the football game and I don't know if I should go or not. Today was supposed to be the day I tell Jackson about Maya.

I don't think I can do it.

I walk in and make my way to my locker keeping my head down. When I get to my locker I see feet of a male at my locker.

Please don't be Calvin, please don't be Calvin.

I look up to be greeted by the blue eyed boy. "Hey." He says slowly.

"Hi, Jacky, how are you feeling?" I respond putting my lock code in.

"Im fine, thanks." He winks and then continues before I can comment. "You going to game tonight?"

I don't know what to say. I don't really want to go but seeing him play would be pretty good.

Calvin will be there though...

As if Jackson can hear my thoughts he says "don't worry about Calvin, I'll make sure he doesn't do anything to you." I feel relieved, but not relieved enough.

There is still something weighing my down.

"Ah sure, why not." I close my locker and look at him. He gives me a small smile and pats my back walking past me. "See you there, Paigy."

My back aches from tingles where he pat me already.

I turn to see him jogging down the hall to join his friends.

Look at those muscles, Enough Paige.
Get to class for god sake.

My first class was biology, which went by pretty quickly and I actually enjoyed it today, we watched a video clip about human blood cells or something. I pretty much daydreamed during it.

In the class before lunch I zoned out and started thinking about the game tonight. I am going to tell Jackson about Maya cheating on him with Hudson his best friend. I'm sure he might think I just have a little crush on him. No biggie.


The bell rings and it's finally lunch. I make my way into the cafeteria. I see someone sitting at my table.

She has dark brown hair that reaches her shoulders and she has really big circular glasses on. She is reading a book.

I make my way over and sit down across from her. "Hey!" I say trying to see the cover of her book.

She looks up and a wave of embarrassment hits her. "Oh, hi. Is this your table?"

"Well I usually sit here but it's not my table. Anyone is allowed to sit anywhere." I reply reaching for my lunch box in my bag. I made my own lunch today because I was not eating the cafeteria food again.

"Cool, I'm Maria, by the way." She puts down her book gently. "I'm Paige, are you new here?" She nods and twirls the ring she has on her middle finger. She has rings on most of her fingers, they are all so pretty.

I start to eat my lunch. "You like reading?" I ask while munching on a PB&J.

"Yep, I'm reading 'The Cruel Prince' at the minute." Oh I've heard of that book. It's supposed to be good.

"Oh I see, we like the enemies to lovers stuff over here." I point at her with my sandwich. She laughs.

I laugh with her and we talk for ages about our school and her past school, books, glasses of course and clothes. I think I've finally made a friend.

"So are you going to the game tonight, I heard it's going to be the best this season?" I ask nicely hoping she'll come with me. She looks a bit uneasy about the idea.

"I'm not sure, I'm not really into that stuff. I'm more.." she pauses when she sees me turning my head to face the boy walking towards us.

Oh god. Not this. Please-

"Oh hello, Paige. And who's this?" He nudges his head at Maria. I give Maria an apologetic look. "Go away Calvin." I look down at my lunch box. "Leave her alone." Maria says which surprises me. I look up and smile at her.

"Woooo, feisty, I see. Anyway." He looks back at me. "You going to the game?" I reply quickly with "if you're playing then definitely not." He chuckles and then smirks. "Okay but." He gives an innocent look. "You know who's going to be there." He shrugs. "I'm just saying he and I would be sad if you weren't there." He wipes away a fake tear.

"Oh grow up, you're acting like a five year old." I mumble.

"What'd you say to me?" I sigh as he reaches to sit next to me.

"Oi leave them alone, Calvin. Go annoy some freshman or something."

Jackson walks up quickly and shoves Calvin away. "Oooh someone's got a crush." Calvin replies to the shoving that occurred.

I hear Maria slightly laugh but she covers it with a cough. Jackson fake laughs. He drags Calvin away from us and gives me an apologetic look. I see the two of them talking to each other and Calvin putting his hands up in surrender.

He deserved that.

"So who's that?" I look back over to her.

I sigh and a small smile appears on my face. "The first boy was Calvin, the dweeb that stood me up. And the other one is..Jackson." I blush at the second name. Maria doesn't seem to notice while she checks him out.

I cant help but feel a little jealous.

He isn't yours Paige, stop.

"And who's this Jackson to you.." she smirks at the words she says.

"I'll explain later if you come to the game with me." I wink and she scoffs. "Fine, just because I want a reasoning for what just happened!!!!"

Alright alright, Give me your number and I'll text you my address so we can get ready together."

She smiles and gives me her number. "See you at 5pm then?" I get up and she says "see ya."

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