Chapter seventeen | Dance with me

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"Shut up! No way," I shout across the hallway ignoring the thousands of eyes on me. Maria just nods with a gigantic smile on her face. "He asked you to be his..."

"Girlfriend, and I said yes!" She claps her hands and does a spin, the blush clearly visible on her face.

I knew Marcus liked her. It was so obvious.

I squeal and launch on top of her for a hug. She embraces me and we hug for like a half an hour before the bell goes indicating we have to separate.

I grunt and let go of her, "I have to go to biology now, I'll see you in history?"

"Yep, I've got so much to tell youuu," she walks away facing me. "Ta ta for now," I send her a wink and turn to walk to biology.

Did I ever mention I hate biology with a passion?

Yeah I think so.

I enter the boring classroom pushing my glasses up on my face as I walk to my seat past the groups of people gathered around different desks, "jee I didn't think Paige Arlow would be the type of girl to go to a party in a short little dress..."

I stop at the familiar voice.

Don't start a fight you can't finish.

"Shut up," I place my books on my desk. "Oooh, you weren't that brave the other night?" I hear him walking closer to me.

"Stay away from me, Calvin," I take a deep breathe.

"Don't be cheeky with me, it doesn't get you many places," he's right behind me right now and I can feel his breath on my shoulder.

I cant stop him, why isn't anyone helping me?

I stay quiet and then I suddenly feel his hand lifting slowly and then he runs it through the tips of my blonde hair. I close my eyes at the contact which causes me to squirm.

"Turn around and look at me, you-" He's interrupted by a voice that sent me to sleep that night. 

"What did I say to you, Calvin?"

Calvins hands suddenly leave my hair and a feeling of relief runs through my veins. I turn around slowly to see those deep blue eyes watching us from the door.

I hold my hands together trying to stop the shaking in them. Jackson rushes over shoving past Calvin. He grabs my hands, "Are you okay, pretty girl?" I shudder at his soft touch and even softer words.

"Pff, he's not going to be by her side 24/7," I hear Calvin mumble.

I think- no. I know Jackson heard him because Calvin is now on the floor and Jackson's punching him to pieces.

"I told you before, and I'll say it again," he punches him again and now there's a huge crowd surrounding us. I start to shake even more. "You do not speak or touch Paige, and if I see you near her- I won't be afraid to beat the living shit out of you. Understood?" He lifts himself off Calvin.

Calvin stumbles back and just nods. I walk away from the scene backwards, my thoughts overwhelming me.

Pull yourself together Paige.
This is embarrassing.
I can't. I can't do this.

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