Chapter fifteen | Regret

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It is now Friday, party day and to be brutally  honest I am dreading it. I don't know why I agreed to go because both Maria and Marcus are 'busy' so it's just me and Jackson going.

They're definitely going on a date.

It's currently 4:07 and I'm getting ready, I suddenly hear my phone buzz and I go to check it.

Hi, I'll come over and get you at 6?

God what am I doing? I am going to a party and I don't want to go.

Okay, see you then 💕

I hop in the shower after leaving my phone down. I sing and sing in the shower for what feels like hours. I get out and pick out my outfit.

A red dress that stops half way between my thighs and covers my arms in lace. It looks nice and it's not too inappropriate so it's perfect, i dry and straighten my hair and before I know it, it is 5:00.

I'm not that good at I just tried my best and wore red lipstick to match my dress.

I am slaying.

I put my dress on and wear my black converse. Stylish much, Paige.

It's now 5:56 so I make my way downstairs, my phone is fully charged so I'm good to go.

I rush down to be greeted by mum and dad waiting at the bottom of the stairs leaning into eachother.

"There's our girl, going to her first party." My mom says wiping a tear.


I scoff as a reply and just stand there. "She's all grown up." My dad then says.

This conversation thankfully gets interrupted by a knock on the door. I run over and open it before dad can.

I open it fully, "hi."

Jackson stands there looking devilishly handsome as usual and the way he's looking at me with what looks like happiness in his eyes sets me to my knees.

Nothing is said for at least 3 minutes while his eyes travel over every curve of my face and body. I feel my face change to the colour of my dress instantly.

"You- you look gorgeous." He says as he looks into my eyes and I once again get lost in how deep his are.

"Thank you, so do you, handsome." I smile and let him come in.

"Hiya Jacky." Mum says hanging on to dads side.

"Hello, Ms Arlow, lovely to see you again." He replies so mannerly.

"Oh call me Miriam like you did when you were younger, dear. You've not changed one bit since you were that age mister." She taunts.

Dad stands there eyeing him up. I roll my eyes. "Mr Arlow." He shakes his hand. "Jackson, pleasure to see you again." He says bitterly.

"Oh Darren, it's okay, don't be so bitter." Mum says patting his chest.

Dad laughs and nods at Jackson which I assume means he can take me?

I don't know...

Jackson turns back to me and once again his eyes travel over my body and I nearly to faint. "Ready to go, Paigy?" He asks walking over.

I nod and we go out the door to his car. "Bye dears, No drinking!!" Mum shouts out the door after us.

The car ride is quiet, I think we are both nervous at the minute. The party is on the other side of Town at Toms house.

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