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Amelia had finally came out of her room after panicking about her mother coming she hadn't seen it spoken to her mother in years she didn't know how it was going to go especially with her just having scout who was born four days after Ellis was Meredith and Amelia were happy that their kids were going to be the same age and would always have someone to play with, but Derek wasn't too happy when he found out his sister was pregnant at the same time as his lovely wife, and considering Bailey was four years older than Ellis, it would be nice for both Ellis and scout to have someone their age to aplay with, scout and Ellis also shared a nursery scouts crib was on one side of the room while ellis's crib was on the other

Meredith had changed in to a long simple dark maroon dress with long sleeves and long black gloves Meredith wore a lot for a reason nobody was aloud to know and curled her dirty blonde hair and put Ellie in a dress that was the exact same

While Amelia in the other hand was in the most dressed up thing she had, dark washed jeans and a black long sleeved t shirt

As Amelia walked into the room she looked at mer and her outfit and wondered how on earth was she so dressed up for someone who had just had a baby? But Meredith also has had two other kids while scout was her first, then looked at Ellis who also looked gorgeous exactly like her mother

"Wow mer, you look great" Amelia smiled

"Thanks" Meredith said and handed Ellis to Derek and took scout from Amelia who was fussing and started rocking his to sleep and put him in one of the fold up bassinets in the living room

"How did you?..." Amelia asked pointing to scout who sleeping peacefully

"You live and you learn, being a first time mother is always hard, it'll get easier" Meredith said softly and sat next to Bailey was he cuddled up into Meredith's side as he was still sick but the medicine had started helping while he was asleep

Amelia was amazed at how great mer was at being a mother, she truly was the older sister she looked up to be like

Then there was a knock at the door

Meredith was about to get up and answer the door until Derek said " you stay you just had a baby I'll get it" she smiled and I leaned in and gave her a kiss and took Ellis with him and answered the door

"Derek Christopher shepherd, you should have called me the second Meredith gave birth" Carolyn scolded Derek as she took baby Ellis into her arms and started talking to her in a baby voice on how much of a fool Derek was for not calling her any earlier about having another baby

"If she's this mad at Derek about not telling her about Ellis how pissed will she be when she finds I moved to Seattle and had a baby with a guy I'm not even married to" Amelia yelled whispered to Meredith as she took a seat next to her while bailey was still cuddled up against Meredith's right side

"Maybe she'll look on the bright side at the fact that there's another boy in the family, there hasn't been a boy born into the in awhile right?" Meredith said trying to calm her Amelia down, ever since Meredith had gotten to know Amelia better she had started to see Amelia as another little sister, even if she was an annoying little sister she was still Amelia her sister in her mind

"Yea well you also have bailey" Amelia whispered

"And you have Scout" she responded

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