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After resting at the Pokemon Center, I decided to head to my next destination which was Drfitveil City. I crossed a bridge to get there and that's when I saw a Plasma Grunt wearing a gray outfit instead of a black one.

 I crossed a bridge to get there and that's when I saw a Plasma Grunt wearing a gray outfit instead of a black one

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Grunt:"Come on, let's have fun stealing Pokemon again."

?:"I can't. I've learned the hard way that stealing from others is wrong!"

Grunt:"Oh, come on! It's too late to start acting all goody-two-shoes now!"

He shoved the one in gray away.

Grunt:"People don't understand our just cause! Don't they call you a villain who was plotting world domination? Even though you quit Team Plasma, people are still really cold to you, right? So, you might as well just come steal Pokemon with us and take over the world! The people who are mean to you now will be groveling at your feet and saying how great you are!"

Ex-Grunt:"I can't... My lady N will be sad... I can't do that to her..."

Grunt:"N! Team Plasma's queen... What a joke! She's nothing more than a traitor! She disappeared somewhere and abandoned us when we needed her!"


We turned around and saw Hugh running at top speed. I got out of his way as he shoved the grunt back.

Hugh:"Start talking, you Team Plasma trash!"

Grunt:"Oww... You're gonna pay for that! Oh, yeah. Almost forgot... I'm not supposed to cause any trouble. I'll get you next time!"

He took off as Hugh clenched his fists seething with rage.

Hugh:"You're not getting away!"

He ran after the Grunt. The ex-grunt looked at me.

 The ex-grunt looked at me

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Ex-Grunt:"I'm ok. We were friends when we were both in Team Plasma... But two years ago, Team Plasma split into a group that follows Lady N, who just wants to save Pokemon, and a group that follows Ghetsis, who plans to take over the world. You can hear the rest of the story in our home. It's on that little hill next to the Pokemon Gym."

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