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"Is this really necessary doctor?" Garak spun around in his chair so he was facing Julian who was busy taking stock of some shelves with a PADD in hand. He hated working when he felt the doctor casting glances over to him every few moments like he were some child who needed monitoring. Allthough he hardly found a point in needing to be monitored for such a long time. He spoke up again.

"I wouldn't take you for the type to hold me against my will, no...that sounds far too much like me," Not even looking away from his work yet still being able to continue Julian piped up with a teasing tone in his voice. A little smirk growing on his lips. Dear prophets! The Doctor was having fun subjecting him to this.

"Maybe you're rubbing off on me." He titled his head and glanced over to the Cardassian, his smile dropping almost as fast as it had appeared. Julian let out a sigh.

"Shockingly enough I agree with you, I don't think you need to be monitored but Dax insists upon on," Julian turned back towards his work.

" can leave whenever you like I just need to accompany you," Garak raised an eyebrow and noticed the doctor trying to mask his amusement by immersing himself in work. Clever.

"That seems to hardly be the case doctor, don't think I didn't notice the forcefield. Honestly, why is it you can't trust me? Or is it that you think you would amuse yourself watching me be shocked into a coma?" Garak titled his head using a sickly sweet tone to try and get a better reaction out of the doctor. He didn't enjoy the idea of someone having more power than him. If it were any other nurse being the one to watch him he would have surely deactivated the forcefield by now and been on his way back to mending his clothes to soothe this sinking feeling in his body. 

But that's exactly why Ezri had chosen Julian, hadn't she? She knew that Julian would know better than anybody else to be watching for escapes. Or the fact that Julian was a worthy adversary against Garak for his augmented brain. 

Either way, he still didn't care for it. Julian didn't even dignify Garak's answer with a response and merely went back to charting. Garak let out a sigh and spun his chair back around and started decoding some more messages...not only did it feel like busywork away from his shop but also he had learned that because of his traitorous actions his people were dying. 

The thought alone made him feel sick once again reminding him why he was even in this humiliating situation in the first place. Garak threw the PADD down on the little work desk that had been assigned to him, seeming to catch Julian's attention.

"I'm done for the day, I have a migraine. If I'm going to be kept here like some caged animal at least do me the courtesy of keeping me company. If I don't get to work in my shop I don't understand the need to be tortured like this," Garak looked down where he had thrown the PADD not even looking up to Julian for the reaction. Garak had always found the doctor's conversation riveting and felt like he was in the need more some good conversation after having made a fool of himself. Perhaps he would be able to win back some respect.

"Seems only fair, just give me a few minutes," Julian calmly replied causing Garak to finally glance over to the doctor whose slow cataloging of every item on the shelf began to grow faster. With barely even a glance up he seemed to be memorizing the content and quickly jotting it perplexing.

"Doctor, if I may ask...why is it if you can do the work in only a fraction of time you still insist on blending in so badly? The idea seems rather counterproductive and- how you say- pointless," Garak titled his head in intrigue watching the way the doctor glanced over, noticeably uncomfortable at the question. 

Garak was able to detect that unease immediately and made sure to keep his eyes focused on the doctor, maybe then he would realize no lie would be able to get past him. The doctor sighed and went back to the fast pace work seeming to collect himself again in moments.

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