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"Do...Cardassians really flirt by arguing?"

"Really doctor, from someone so insistent on sticking to the question you seem to be the one getting more off-track than me," It had been a number of minutes in their conversation which started making Garak wonder if Ezri was ever going to return. He didn't mind though, he enjoyed the company of the doctor more than her. 

Especially with his inability to keep focused and rather sate his own curious desires. At this point, they had moved to both of their feet sitting over the cliff. The doctor leaned back on his hands and Garak mimicked the position, finding it soothing to his back. 

"When O'Brien told me that I could hardly believe it, how can you tell the difference between romantic arguing and arguing? Seems Bizarre," He glanced at the doctor who was looking out at the buildings again. Perhaps the doctor was getting tired of interrogating him. Maybe Garak had finally won the game of not having to reveal more information about himself and simply wanted to spend the rest of the time socializing. 

Or perhaps the doctor sees Garak in a more...willing to tell the truth kind of mood and wants to take advantage of it. Oddly enough Garak wasn't opposed to sharing his culture even though he had been more adamant about it in the past. 

Ever since the absence of Ziyal, he found himself missing that aspect of their relationship. Much more than he would care to admit. Besides, it was the doctor, who could resist such a curious man?

"There is a range of techniques used in each form of arguing. Different moments used to jab at the other that don't cross the line of being too insensitive yet allow for some playful anger. The amusement in getting a rise out of someone," Julian looked to the other and smiled.

"So like a schoolyard crush?" Garak titled his head at the remark silently asking the doctor to further explain.

"Little children when they like someone will do outrageous things to make them angry. Making a young boy pull on a girl's hair so she knows he exists," Garak was appalled at the imagery.

"Doctor...I can't speak for all of us but pulling someone's hair while flirting seems to be missing the point,"

 "But it's the same idea, right? Getting the other's attention?" Garak pondered that for a moment.

"It's a very simplified human version but I suppose it applies," 

"Aren't you going to ask me how humans flirt?" Garak rolled his eyes at the other.

"I've certainly been around humans long enough to know how flirting works, Doctor. After all, I've had to make adaptations to the living environment as best as I can. Plus, I've certainly seen the way you drape your arm around young ladies...don't even get me started within that spy program," Bashir playfully nudged the other with his elbow.

"It worked didn't it?"

"It was your program doctor, of course, the women will swoon for you. They were programmed to,"

 "Again with that program babble. You never immerse yourself in the experience, believe it's real," Garak looked beside him to see the doctor stretching and seemed to decide his legs needed one as well. He got up from his spot rather gracefully with someone as tall and lanky as the other and he started doing stretches. He even took in a huge breath of air.

"Breathe that nice Cardassian air, enjoy the dimmed lights and heat. The scenery is lovely," Garak tore his eyes away from the Doctor not wanting to actually be caught staring as he had been before. Rather shameless if you asked him.

"I'm afraid I'll only ever see it as holo imaging receptors tricking my eyes. You should know doctor I'm a rather perceptive being,"

"Being a tailor?" Julian asked.

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