Chapter Five: Okay, So Maybe Not All Boys Suck

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"Can't believe him," I grumbled, walking through the halls of the tower. "His little 5'3 ass thinks he can walk all over me like he's the older sibling." I teleported to the roof of the tower. I noticed a familiar raven-haired boy sitting on the ledge.

"Listen here you listen prick," I began, stomping toward him. The boy turned to reveal Connor. "Oh, I'm sorry," I said, stopping. "I thought you were my brother."

"How? I'm much taller," Connor joked.

"Yeah," I chuckled. "Dami's a lil short stack," I added, before looking around. "Don't tell him that I said that."

"My lips are sealed," Connor smiled, zipping his lips with an invisible zipper. "Wanna sit down?" He motioned to the place next to him. I stood still for a second before sitting down next to Connor. "So, did you come out here, just to yell at your brother?"

"No," I stated. "I just like it up here. I used to climb the roof of Batman-"

"Bruce Wayne's," Connor said, making me look at him with wide eyes. "I have x-ray vision, Babe. Plus, Clark told me."

"Oh," I said. "I told Bruce he should line his mask with lead."

"I still would've figured it out," Connor stated confidently.

"I bet you would have," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Anyway, your story?"

"Oh yeah," I chuckled. "I always used to climb to the roof of the Wayne Mansion, just to see the view of the Gotham skyline. Alfred would always find me though. He'd scold me just because I fell off one time." I noticed Connor's eyes widen. "I was fine," I shrugged. "I was twelve and I hadn't realized my powers yet, but luckily, Dick was leaving the manor that night, saw me fall, and caught me. That's when Bruce started training me with Damian."

"At... twelve?" Connor said, a bit shocked.

"Yeah," I said, looking at the Jump City skyline. "Batman wasn't one for softness. Been training for years."

"What about before Batman took you in?" Connor asked carefully.

I gripped the ledge. "I don't remember anything between ten and twelve. I remember growing up with my mother, father, and little brother. We were family friends of the Waynes. I vaguely remember Dick playing with me and my brother at Galas when it would get a little too boring." I cracked a small smile. "But then, something happened. An explosion, but Bruce thinks it was staged. Then, life passed like a blur. The only thing I remember was Batman and Robin fighting... someone."

"Very specific," Connor joked.

"What can I say? Still can't remember many details," I shrugged. "I do remember waking up in Wayne Manor. Alfred brought me tea and was very persistent, even when I told him I didn't like tea." I chuckled gently. "He eventually got me some hot chocolate. Then Bruce and Damian came in and explained everything. They said they found me in some abandoned lab. Apparently, I had gone missing after the explosion. Everyone thought I had died along with the rest of my family, but they never found the body so Bruce kept looking for me."

"And he adopted you?" Connor asked, looking at me. I looked at him, to see his elbow resting on his knee and his chin in his palm, his eyes wide with interest.

"Yeah," I said, mimicking his position. "I got a family back. I got a father, a grandfather, and quite a few brothers."

"What about your powers?"

"They appeared a year after," I said, sitting up fully. "The teleportation first. Then the invisibility a few months later. Bruce took some blood samples and discovered that it wasn't natural. The powers had been put in me. Bruce assumes that's what happened to me in that lab."

"Do you know who did it?" Connor asked.

"No," I sighed. "I've tried to ignore it. I know that if I dwell on it too much I'll want to seek vengeance and that's not what I was taught."

"What about who caused the explosion?"

"Still no idea," I shrugged. "We don't know if it was a malfunction or if someone caused it."

"But Batman thinks someone staged it," Connor stated.

"Mhm," I hummed. "I almost wish someone did. Then I could have someone to blame." I bawled my fists. I let out a gentle sigh before relaxing. I turned to Connor. "What about you, Superboy? What does the news not cover about you?"

"Well, I'm a clone," Connor said.

"I knew that," I said, rolling my eyes. "Clone of Superman?"

"Yeah, and Lex," Connor stated, sitting up and staring at the sky.

"As in Lex Luthor?" I asked, blinking.

"Yeah, I was created through Superman's DNA as wells as Lex's," Connor explained. "All of Supes strength with the Luther intellect, as Lex puts it." He pulled his legs to his chest. "Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever become like him."

I examined him, taking in all of his features. He looked like Superman, no doubt about it, but his eyes resembled Lex's. They were a deep grey with so much knowledge behind them. "You're nothing like Luthor," I said, standing up and turning to the city. Connor looked up at me. "I mean, you're much better looking. And, well, you have hair." I turned to smile at him. 

"Thanks," Connor smiled softly.

"Plus, you're a Titan," I said, holding my hand out for him. He took and I pulled him up. "We'd never let you turn into that."

"Thanks," Connor said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Also, sorry about, ya know, throwing you off the roof when we first met."

"I'm sorry about attacking you with kryptonite," I chuckled. "We good?"

"Yeah," Connor smiled. 

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