part 9

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The sound of sirens pierced Shuichis ears as he made his way into the building.

He walked up the stairs into the ballroom. It was eerily quiet and his steps echoed through the room.

He's gonna be here. He has to be.

Shuichi gulped and turned around.
No one was there.

Maybe he really was alone. Maybe the thief wasn't here. Feeling a huge wave of disappointment, he began to walk away.

"Oh cmon really??"

Shuichi darted around.

"Are you REALLY going to leave Detective ?? You know I'm  here!!" The thief came into view.

He began to walk closer to Shuichi, grinning.

"Hey, this ballroom is pretty sweet huh??" The thief smiled.

Shuichi nodded nervously.

" look like I'm about to beat you up!!" The thief smirked, inching towards Shuichi as Shuichi walked backwards.

"I'd never do that to someone so pretty~!"

Wait, what...?

Shuichi carried on moving back, nervously panting.

Then he hit the wall.


Shuichi was now cornered by the thief.

"Uh oh !! Look what you've done Detective!"

Now is  your chance Shuichi! Unmask him!

Swallowing down his nervousness, Shuichi bought his hand up to the thief's mask.

The thief grinned and put his hand over Shuichis.

"Hey. What are you doing?"

"I- I need t-to-"

"You need to what?? What do you need to do to me??" The thief stared into Shuichis eyes.

"Unmask you! I need to unmask you!" He blurted out.

"Haha! You really wanna know what I look like, don't you?"

Shuichi nodded.

"Maybe one day you'll know. Or..."

The thief leant into Shuichi, so his mouth was right by his ear.

"Do you already know...?"

With that the thief stepped away, smiling.

"Well then Detective!! I'll be off!" The thief spun around and began to walk out the door as of nothing had happened.


Shuichi ran up to him and pulled his hand.


"W-what do you mean...I already know? Who are you?" Shuichi asked, still not letting go of his hand.

"You'll figure it out one day Shuichi!" The thief laughed, tracing his free hand over Shuichis chest.

"For now though... I kinda like playing cat and mouse."

Shuichis face reddened. He could practically feel the heat coming off his face.

The thief grinned.

"Wh- why can't you tell me your identity...?" Shuichi asked, holding the thief's hand tighter.

"Because you'll tell people obviously!" The thief bought Shuichis face closer to his.

"And I don't want people knowing who I am Detective!"

He used Shuichis embarrassment to free his other hand from Shuichis grip.

He began to run off, leaving Shuichi standing there.

"...But I  won't tell anyone!" Shuichi shouted after him.

The thief paused. His back was to Shuichi. He sighed.

"One day you'll know."

He said, turning around.

"But like I said, Detective." He began to walk backwards.

"Do you already know??" With that, he waved his hand and disappeared from the ballroom, leaving a confused Shuichi.

What just happened...?


Shuichi walked out of the ballroom a couple minutes later to be greeted with wind.

His mind was cloudy as he mindlessly got into his uncles car. He sighed. He was so confused.

What did the thief mean... you already know?? Do I know the thief???

These thoughts rattled in his brain as he kept on wondering about the thief.

Why did Shuichi care? He didn't like the thief. He hated the thief!

That's not true...

Eyelids fluttering, Shuichi carried on his trail of thought. It lead to nowhere though. He didn't know what to do.

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