Command Center

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The building was covered in tech that had a sort of old school look to it. The walls were decorated with pictures and upcoming events that had taken place over the year. Along with that there was pictures of former rangers. The building was massive with a view of the nearby ocean on one side, and a city on the other.

"I understand you all have questions," The mysterious Ranger said to the team. "But I wouldn't have brought any of you here unless it was necessary." He told them as holograms revealed past events from a crisis. "Two years ago an event caused the universe to be reformed," He explained. "But unknown to us, another reality had a similar crisis, merging its reality with our own." He added. "A world known as the Negawatt Dimension," He said, revealing a neon purple energy in the holograms. "Which was formed from the merge, also created an upgrade for our past enemies."

Jen thought about it and looked at Ryan. "That's what you meant by they were Nighlok." She said in realization. Ryan nodded. "I grew up around Panorama City," He explained. "Whoever these Negawatt creatures are, they've just given the Nighlok and whatever other creatures a power boost." He added. "Indeed," The mysterious Ranger said, nodding. "All throughout time in fact." Zeke looked at Ryan. "Okay, sorry but I'm not exactly from around here," He said. "What the heck is a Nighlok?" He asked.

Ryan looked at Zeke. "Monsters that have terrorized this town for years," He explained. "They were the responsibility of the Samurai Rangers to defeat." He added. "But I'm afraid this new force has released them once again." The mysterious Ranger said. "Not only them," He added. "But various other enemies of Rangers have been set free from their dimensions." He warned. The group looked at each other before Jen stepped up. "And how are we supposed to defeat it?" She asked. "Alpha 5," The mysterious Ranger said. A robot then walked into the room and revealed to be Alpha 5. "We were able to make some modifications to some of the old suits." He said, before pressing a button and revealing the Rangers' suits.

Rebecca looked at the green dragon ranger suit, originally designed for her father's doppelgänger, Tommy Oliver. The new suit was slimmed down and had been transformed into a nanotech armor. Beside the suit was a sword modeled after the original dragon dagger. The next suit was Tommy's, which was a similarly updated suit for the blue Turbo Ranger. The new nanotech armor was accompanied by a more automotive style, as well as gauntlets as the new placement for the hand blasters. Zeke found his suit as a remake of the yellow Mystic Force Ranger suit. The nanotech was accompanied with a more magic based approach to enhance his electric abilities. The suit also had a Magi Staff built into one of the arms, along with its crossbow form. Jen looked at her Operation Overdrive redesign suit and thought of her father, who had previously dawned the original suit. It was updated to her fitting and armored similarly to the others. It also contained a component that would allow it to disappear when Jen did. The suit was accompanied by the Drive Slammer, a hammer capable breaking open the ground with a single hit.

As Ryan looked at the final suit, he looked confused. The suit was a black Samurai Ranger suit, modeled after the Black Box. The nanotech armor was in a similar form to the megazord suits with a Spin Sword and four discs beside it. The discs were the Shark, Tiger, Swordfish and Beetle. "I don't understand," He said, shaking his head before looking at the mysterious Ranger. "Why me?" He asked. The rest of the team looked at him, confused by his reaction. "Come on man," Zeke said. "You're the kid of a Power Ranger, just like the rest of us." He said. Ryan looked at the team and shook his head. "No, I'm not," He said, surprising the other's. "No one in my family was a Ranger." He admitted.

The mysterious Ranger nodded. "That is true," He said. "You are not related to the former Samurai Rangers," He explained. "But the Morphin Grid chose you to carry on this mantle." He added. "I can rest assured to all of you that it wouldn't have brought this team together if you weren't needed." He explained. He then turned to Rebecca. "I trust you to lead your fellow Rangers to this fight." He added. Rebecca looked at the mysterious Ranger in surprise and disbelief. "I'm sorry," She said, caught a bit off guard. "You want me to lead everyone?" She asked. "Before coming to this world," The mysterious Ranger reminded her. "You proved yourself to be a great leader by turning away from your father's orders." He explained. "You saved many lives then," He said. "As I know you will continue to do now." He added. Rebecca was about to say something when Alpha 5 walked to them.

"We have rooms available for you all to stay in," He said to them. "Follow me." He said. One by one as the Rangers followed, they each were taken to their own rooms. As they waited, Jen thought over everything she heard. What kind of Ranger was Ryan really? Everyone else was related to a former Ranger, why was he different? On one hand, Jen didn't really know these people at all. At the same time, however, there was something about Ryan that just felt off to her, but she couldn't figure it out. She then remembered that the Nighlok were chasing Ryan when they arrived in Panorama City.

Everyone eventually got into their rooms, which were decorated and looked like something they'd have back at their homes. Each room also had their suit with the new Morphers to pair with them. When Ryan got to his room, he closed the door and looked at the room. The design was mainly inspired by the Shiba house that the Samurai Rangers lived in. There was a poster nearby the bed with Japanese symbols on it. Ryan walked over and slightly removed the poster. He then pressed against the wall enough to make a small crack in it. After he did this, the crack began to have a small red glow. "Don't worry," He said as the crack in the wall continued to glow. "The mission is going better than planned." He explained. "Soon, you'll have exactly what you need, father." He said. On the other side of the glow, the ruler of the Nighlok, Master Xandred, was listening in enlightenment that the plan was working. "Good work my warrior," He said to Ryan. "Soon the Sanzu River will flow into their world, and the Nighlok shall reign supreme." He said with a laugh.

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